Re: Contact form - store data in database
  • 2010/2/17 7:50

  • onasre

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  • Since: 2006/8/12

I have Made A Module like that i'm still working On it , Almost Done , I call it Sendme ..

its for the Visitors to contact you and the email saves in to MySQL , guest Can follow his Message , the admin can reply to the message and the reply also saves a copy to the MySQL , captach , auto respond .. So many Cool Stuff .. Just Trying to have time to make Final Clean Up and Release it .

Re: Protector detects site manipulation
  • 2010/1/15 23:48

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

You Guys making it sound harder that wht is ..

u just could disable it from protector setting .

"enable manipulation checking"

select No ..

Re: Delete all posts/comments from user
  • 2010/1/5 20:33

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

Umm I might Can add that To My next Release of Tools for XOOPS Module . that i Released last Month .

Re: Cant find my Error .
  • 2009/11/30 0:42

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

Thx Trabis , That worked Perfect , and i see where is the Mistakes i Done , Thank you

Cant find my Error .
  • 2009/11/29 23:42

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12


I 'm working on a Module , am about done . there is One thing i could not find wht i'm doing wrong for this Block .

The Block is to Enable or disable Anti-spam .

this is the modversion Section

$modversion['blocks'][1]['file'] = "callus_blocks.php";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['name'] = "callus";
$modvertion['blocks'][1]['description'] = "Call us Block";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['show_func'] = "b_callus_blocks_show";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['edit_func'] = "b_callus_blocks_edit";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['options'] = "1|0";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['template'] = 'callus_blocks.html';

this is my Block Content.

function b_callus_blocks_show() {

$block['lang_send'] = _MB_CALLUS_SENDMSG;
$block['lang_name'] = _MB_CALLUS_MSGNAME;
$block['lang_subject'] = _MB_CALLUS_SUBJECT;
$block['lang_email'] = _MB_CALLUS_EMAIL;
$block['lang_comment'] = _MB_CALLUS_MESSAGE;
$block['lang_code'] = _MB_CALLUS_CODE;
$captcha $options[1];

b_callus_blocks_edit() {

$form "active anti spam: ;
    if ( 
$options[1] == ) {
$form .= " selected";
$form .= " />Yes;
    if ( 
$options[1] == ) {
$form .= " selected";
$form .= " />No";

Now at the Block Template.

<td> <{if $block.captcha == 1}>td>
td><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/callus/captcha_callus.php">td>
td><input type="text" name="captcha_num" size="20" />td>

No errors Prints out , but there is error somewhere because the captcha dose Not Show up reagrds the Value (yes , No )

Any Idea

Re: Instant-zero and paid modules
  • 2009/11/20 18:19

  • onasre

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  • Since: 2006/8/12

If you Do not Have Problem with the Module right Now and if working with 2.4 SO why do you Need Pay someone For maintenance ..

2- I do not think you Can Give away the Module , Regards the Reason .. Read the agreement Comes with your Module , Maybe u Can do that i do not know .

3- any time u got Problem with the Module Just Post the error here in this Forum and Someone will answer you .Mamba Already Said there will be Support for Herve Modules . but Not Sure if the Paid One Included..

Re: Xoops 2.4 and Xo-rewrite smarty, protector etc...
  • 2009/10/28 18:52

  • onasre

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  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

1- xo-rewrite url rewrite - i do not know about this

2- yes you need to patch the mainfile

3- yes it work if you edit the files Manualy , if you copy the files and overwrite the new files maybe it going work but No Gurentee

Re: registration with Arabic names and spaces
  • 2009/10/27 23:42

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

For this there is two steps you need to follow.

1- File userutility.php under class Go line 152

$restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/';

after Number 9 add space
$restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _-]/';

and do same for line 156
$restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-<>,.$%#@!\'']/';

after 9 add space

$restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _-<>,.$%#@!\'']/';

and line 140 change number 40 to 37

$restriction = '/[00-40]/';

$restriction = '/[00-37]/';

2- From the admin Panel Go to
Preferences Main »» User Info Settings

then 'Select the level of strictness for username filtering'

and from the drop down select .
light (recommended for multi-byte chars)

For arabic support to this issue

Re: Theme Name , Unreadable
  • 2009/10/26 7:08

  • onasre

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  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12

Yah , I thought it might be Hosting Problem , i do have my own Server . and i dash , underscore allowed . the Cash's folders has 777 .

Plus i had no problem with 2.3.3 .. this problem Happend Immeditaly after finish Upgrading my files and database to 2.40

to think maybe somthing wrong with the theme , then why there is no problem when rename it to anything without dash or underscore .

I kinda Belive it Something with Server Setting , But it doese not make sense to me since all were ok with 2.3.3 in the Same server .

Something els to , when the error prints out , always removes the dash's from the theme name . like if it can not read dash or underscore . if provin that somthing with the Hosting is the problem as it might be then maybe XOOPS can do somthing to avoid it . i know there some hosting companies do not allow dash to be used in thier servers Such as yahoo , once i was with them and moved out because i was not allowed to use dash .. but in my server sure the dash and underscore are allowed because i have audio video site and 90% of my files are named with dash on them . and no problem downloading them .

iwill try Downgrade to 2.3.3 and rename back my theme to use dash , then upgrade again to 2.40 but this time upload file by file and see when the problem happen after which file been uploaded ..

PS : i have tried to rename default theme to default_1 and test and got same error but instaed shown the theme name as is it shown it as default1

Theme Name , Unreadable
  • 2009/10/26 5:04

  • onasre

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/8/12


Recently i Tested Out 2.4 , and there is seem a Bug with Theme Name Includes Dash - or underscor _ .

Exp: if your theme name is xoops_rock or xoops-rock

For Somereason i get blank page with the error like this .

Warring: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "/themes/xoopsrock/theme.html" in /class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1093

Now see the error Shows the name of the theme as xoopsrock when it is not that but xoops_rock , So i decided to go with it and Rename my Theme to xoopsrock .. then worked Fine .. And i'm sure from the setting the theme set with right name as xoops_rock .

So now i had to Rename My theme and remove the dash and underscor to make it work .

this is only happen if you logged in . if you Guest then No problem . but if you sign in as user or admin then the error Shows Up .

and i downgrade back to 2.3.3 then had no problem with Theme Name with dash or underscor.

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