I have Made A Module like that i'm still working On it , Almost Done , I call it Sendme ..
its for the Visitors to contact you and the email saves in to MySQL , guest Can follow his Message , the admin can reply to the message and the reply also saves a copy to the MySQL , captach , auto respond .. So many Cool Stuff .. Just Trying to have time to make Final Clean Up and Release it .
If you Do not Have Problem with the Module right Now and if working with 2.4 SO why do you Need Pay someone For maintenance ..
2- I do not think you Can Give away the Module , Regards the Reason .. Read the agreement Comes with your Module , Maybe u Can do that i do not know .
3- any time u got Problem with the Module Just Post the error here in this Forum and Someone will answer you .Mamba Already Said there will be Support for Herve Modules . but Not Sure if the Paid One Included..
Yah , I thought it might be Hosting Problem , i do have my own Server . and i dash , underscore allowed . the Cash's folders has 777 .
Plus i had no problem with 2.3.3 .. this problem Happend Immeditaly after finish Upgrading my files and database to 2.40
to think maybe somthing wrong with the theme , then why there is no problem when rename it to anything without dash or underscore .
I kinda Belive it Something with Server Setting , But it doese not make sense to me since all were ok with 2.3.3 in the Same server .
Something els to , when the error prints out , always removes the dash's from the theme name . like if it can not read dash or underscore . if provin that somthing with the Hosting is the problem as it might be then maybe XOOPS can do somthing to avoid it . i know there some hosting companies do not allow dash to be used in thier servers Such as yahoo , once i was with them and moved out because i was not allowed to use dash .. but in my server sure the dash and underscore are allowed because i have audio video site and 90% of my files are named with dash on them . and no problem downloading them .
iwill try Downgrade to 2.3.3 and rename back my theme to use dash , then upgrade again to 2.40 but this time upload file by file and see when the problem happen after which file been uploaded ..
PS : i have tried to rename default theme to default_1 and test and got same error but instaed shown the theme name as is it shown it as default1
Recently i Tested Out 2.4 , and there is seem a Bug with Theme Name Includes Dash - or underscor _ .
Exp: if your theme name is xoops_rock or xoops-rock
For Somereason i get blank page with the error like this .
Warring: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "/themes/xoopsrock/theme.html" in /class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1093
Now see the error Shows the name of the theme as xoopsrock when it is not that but xoops_rock , So i decided to go with it and Rename my Theme to xoopsrock .. then worked Fine .. And i'm sure from the setting the theme set with right name as xoops_rock .
So now i had to Rename My theme and remove the dash and underscor to make it work .
this is only happen if you logged in . if you Guest then No problem . but if you sign in as user or admin then the error Shows Up .
and i downgrade back to 2.3.3 then had no problem with Theme Name with dash or underscor.