Re: News Module Problem
  • 2006/10/26 5:30

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Uh, this problem seems to have spread. I haven't messed with blocks in a good while so I didn't notice this before.

I went to go activate my Themes block to switch through and see if I could find if the problem is with the theme up front, but I don't have the submit button to activate the
block and a large number of blocks aren't showing up.

Example of This Problem

I didn't use any theme that changes the backend. What's going on?

News Module Problem
  • 2006/10/26 1:22

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

I'm having some problems with the News Module on my XOOPS site.

I don't know precisely when this problem started but I only just realized it. I can't seem to approve or edit news stories because the necessary cells don't seem to show up. I have no idea why.

Where I would have the regular text and extended text in the news story, it cuts off at the first part of extended text and shows none of the cells below = which includes the submit button to make any changes or make approvals.

Example of Problem

I haven't changed any settings and it's been working all along. Does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do about it?

Auto-Login Hack Not Working
  • 2006/8/14 18:16

  • ahkileez

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  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Okay, since I've gathered that I should provide some information if I expect someone to be able to help me out I'll put that in first. This is a new site. It's not really gone live yet.

Site Address: http://sanctum.axiom.ky
Xoops Version - 2.0.14
Hack - Peak XOOPS Auto-Login Hack v.3 - by GI Joe I believe.

The Problem: It's not working... hehe.

Nothing's wrong with the site. Everything is hunky dory. It just doesn't seem to be functioning at all. I read in the text file that came with it that I was supposed to delete all of the files in templates_c and I did that. I updated the system module, I turned off caches on all of my modules and no tangible effect.

As I understand it the hack is supposed to provide a 'remember me' checkbox. I see no evidence of it in my login or user blocks or in my edit account dialogs or anything.

I don't know what to do. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.

Re: Image Manager problem.
  • 2006/8/10 23:45

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Everything's working fine now, thanks :)

For the benefit of others, I'll answer your questions.

I'm going to guess that you are trying to use the Image Manager in a Custom Block. If that is the case, try setting the Content Type to Auto Format in the block options.

That is exactly what I was trying to do. I had it set to HTML before. Will Auto Format be able to handle both like XOOPS tags and HTML?

Did Image Manager work before and then stop? What version of XOOPS are you using?

I hadn't been using it before that so I can't honestly say.

Image Manager problem.
  • 2006/8/10 21:01

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

There's not much I can explain about it beyond the fact that the imagemanager isn't working.

Everything works fine. Making categories, uploading, selecting the image from the category, setting the alignment, it all works.

Just that when the code shows up in a block, it just shows the code not the image.

Do I have a setting turned off that I shouldn't or something?

I appreciate any help I can get on this.


Re: Xoops Site Slow as Heck!
  • 2006/8/8 23:58

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Okay, flipped some more switches and it seems (at least at the moment) to have corrected itself.

Re: Xoops Site Slow as Heck!
  • 2006/8/8 23:49

  • ahkileez

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  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Well I got rid of that line.

Site's still slow as heck. I've checked and rechecked things like cache settings and the like and I can't find anything that I can do better.

I'm running it in debug mode now but I don't see anything there that's related either.

I'm at a loss.

I'll try changing to another theme and see if its still as slow.

Re: Xoops Site Slow as Heck!
  • 2006/8/8 18:08

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

I googled the pphlogger thing and from what I gather, its a counter for like ad clicks or something? I don't need anything like that. Should I eliminate the line?

And thank you for pointing out the broken link :) I'll fix that right now.

Re: Xoops Site Slow as Heck!
  • 2006/8/8 17:30

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

Uhm, okay. I found no reference to 'xoopsfactory.net' in the code. I did find a few refs to 'xoopsfactory.com' However, all of the instances of its appearance *seems* to be in comment lines which shouldn't affect loading of the pages right?

I've listed the references here to be clear.

I have a sneaking suspicion the pphlogger.js in the first set should be phplogger.js.

From Theme.html
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://xoopsfactory.com/pphlogger.js">script>

From blocks.css
/* This CSS is part of a XOOPS theme from michael [aka studioC] XOOPS FACTORY */

From stylea.css
AuthorMichael Hokamp 
Author URI
http://hokamp.info from destination http://xoopsfactory.com

/* This CSS is part of a XOOPS theme from michael [aka studioC] XOOPS FACTORY */

Re: Xoops Site Slow as Heck!
  • 2006/8/8 17:12

  • ahkileez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/7/12

It is? I hadn't noticed.

Let me takea look at the template files.

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