Re:Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/11/2 3:37

  • Vizon

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Thanks, seemed like that did the trick for the non-www link.


Bender wrote:

If that system runs on apache use a .htaccess file for the redirect. (however this only works if permitted by your providers apache settings)

Create a file .htaccess with just one line in it and upload it to your sites root directory.
Redirect http://yoursite.com/ http://www.yoursite.com/

If i remember correctly this should do the trick. If not google for htaccess and redirect.

Re:Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/10/31 4:45

  • Vizon

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Well, just make sure your mainfile.php is directing you to the correct address that your users come to visit your site with. If you have them enter http://www.yoursite.com, then make sure the mainfile says http://www.yoursite.com, and not http://yoursite.com (and vise-versa). This seems to have repaired my issue, although those who still come to my site without adding the www (in my case) still get the double-login screen.

Re:Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/10/23 17:27

  • Vizon

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My Cpanel seems to be lacking the ability to redirect the own domain name to itself + the www. Just curious if there's some code that I can throw in the mainfile.php that would check for both domains and make them both work?


m0nty wrote:
you could probably setup a redirect in your server Cpanel etc.. under domain settings..

set yourdomain.com to redirect to http://www.yourdomain.com

that's 1 way of doing it..

Re:Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/10/18 20:49

  • Vizon

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Alright, I adjusted my mainfile.php to reflect my actual sitename (including the www), just a question, if a person were to go to the site by neglecting the www, they won't be redirected to the one with www, would they? If not, is there a way to make them both work?

Re:Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/10/18 20:24

  • Vizon

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I'll try the XOOPS_ROOT_URL thing. The issue with this is that I'm not the only one having this problem, and that this problem wasn't happening before either. Could it be some kind of database issue for holding the session variables?


Login Twice/Session Problem
  • 2004/10/16 15:52

  • Vizon

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  • Since: 2004/8/18

I have this rather annoying problem where when you log into my site it appears as if you have sucessfully, but then when you try to go into any of the modules, you can't (it gives you a "You don't have permission to access this area" warning) and it logs you out. Upon logging back in, everything is fine.

You can log in and out at will after this without any issues except for when you close and reopen the web browser, then it happens all over again.

Now I've made sure all of my settings within mainfile.php are correct so there's nothing wrong there, and I can't really pinpoint exactly what I did to cause this to start happening...

Does anyone have any ideas?

Re:Required to login twice.....why????
  • 2004/10/15 15:50

  • Vizon

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Hey guys, I seem to be having the same problem, and it only started yesterday after having the site work fine for months. There's nothing that I really remember changing that would cause this either.

Anyway, I tried to follow the advice above, make sure my XOOPS_URL setting is correct, and I think I repaired my session table with phpMyAdmin (to no effect). I really don't want to resort to sending people directly into a module since that's not the way I have my site set up. If you guys can think of anything else, that'd be awesome.

  • 2004/10/15 7:21

  • Vizon

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Hey, I didn't really know where to put this, so instead of making a new thread, here goes...

Before today my XOOPS site had been working without a hitch. Starting a few hours ago I've noticed some odd behavior upon logging into my site. Users could log in, and it would say they were logged in, but then upon trying to access any of the modules the user would get the "Sorry, you do not have the permission to access this area..." message and would be signed out. Strangely enough once you try logging back in (even with a different account) it lets you and everything works fine.

I've found that the problem comes back once the browser is closed. I've tried this with both IE and Mozilla. I'm running XOOPS 2.7.1 (I think).

Re: Newbb Hack - updating for 2.0.7?
  • 2004/8/19 8:33

  • Vizon

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Okay, here's the two instances I've tested.

1) this is with the option of hiding the forums that the user doesn't have access to. The "Elite" user, even though given access to the private forums, cannot see the forums in the forum listing.

2) this is with no hiding option on. The "Elite" user is able to see all the forums (like they should), but upon clicking on one, it says that they don't have the correct access for it.

I've checked with phpMyAdmin, and by looking at the xoops_bb_forum_group_access table, it appears that everything is right and that the "Elite" users should have that access... it's just odd.

Re: Newbb Hack - updating for 2.0.7?
  • 2004/8/18 19:16

  • Vizon

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Hey regen_r8, I've installed the hack on 2.0.7, and I don't have any problems with it except for one thing. I have created another group called "Elite" and I have given them access to some private forums that I have created (with post access as well). I started out by hiding the private forums, and this group that I have given access to them cannot see it, whereas my Webmasters (whom also have access) can see them no problem.

I then tried to make the forums visible to all, and upon trying to click on it with the "Elite" user, I got a message saying that they do not have access to that forum. Do you know what could be wrong here?



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