Re: WF-Links $wfllink.countryname still
  • 2011/3/17 1:53

  • jph000

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  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

Was there ever a fix to wflinks 1.07 / 1.08 for the "problem in the showing of the country, that is, in the replacement of the smarty variable for the country. Instead of country, one sees Country: <{$wfllink.countryname}>." which barryc posted on 2010/2/13.

I downloaded wflinks 1.08 from the sourceforge repository last week and am having the same problem with missing country (flag) not showing, although the value is correct in the database table.

Also, the repository copy did not have the the mod suggested by McDonald for wflinks/templates/wflinks_index.html regarding wfllink versus link.

To fix bad URLs in "Other links by" list due to // before singlelink.php part of URL, edited line 103 of /wflinks/templates/wflinks_singlelink.html file. Replaced {$link.module_dir} with {$xoops_dirname} string.

Update March 17, 2011: Fixed broken country (flag) by changing Preferences value for Country Flag Image Directory to modules/wflinks/images/flags/flags_small instead of uploads/images/flags/flags_small. In updating from version 1.06, the default value in the xoops_version.php file changed.

Re: 2.5 Modules - wflinks 1.08 - testing update
  • 2011/3/15 21:43

  • jph000

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  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

On another XOOPS 2.5 test site, I replaced wflinks 1.06 with 1.08. Seemed like Latest Listings feature worked but then not.

Missing /include/config.php (perhaps legacy item) caused 2 PHP errors. [Update: Found thread where McDonald said to remove include line.]

Submit (new link) does not work from main menu sidebar:


So, needed to add a new link in administration area:


A few PHP deprecation warnings.

Http links in a wflink's description do not work, and generate html validation errors. Using the insert link in the editor, the bracketed url syntax, also does not work, and messes up the submitter block. (This feature works in wflinks 1.06. Perhaps a sanitizer issue?)

Other issues with wflinks 1.08: 1. Clicking on a category does not list category's links. 2. Clicking on a wflinks View Full Details displays an empty Visit Link area. 3. Same problem when click on a Top WF-Link.

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.0
PHP Version 5.3.5
mySQL Version 5.1.53-log
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On

Update March 16, 2011: In another thread found the mod suggested by McDonald for wflinks/templates/wflinks_index.html regarding wfllink versus link. The repository copy did not have the the mod. Fixed Latest Listings and problems 1, 2, 3 above. Country name still a problem.

Re: 2.5 Modules - wflinks 1.08
  • 2011/3/11 18:04

  • jph000

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  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

> by Mazarin on 2011/3/11 6:05:33
> I use WF-Links 1.08 on a 2.5 installation and the latest listings is working fine for me.

Thanks for the note re wflinks 1.08 working okay for you. Something I'll need to investigate further, eh.

Re: 2.5 Modules
  • 2011/3/11 2:43

  • jph000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

Regarding XOOPS 2.5, on a test site I've got the following modules working okay:

stockquotes 0.1
news 1.66
xoopheadline 1
smartfaq 1.08
wflinks 1.06
sections 1
liaise 1.26
xoopspoll 1
wvleather 0.9

However, most modules have been modified to run under PHP 5 and PHP 5.3 and validated for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. No PHP errors. Validation passed. No CSS level 2.1 errors.

As modified, wflinks 1.06 has some deprecations remaining. (I tried wflinks 1.08 but the Latest Listings feature is broken.)

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.0
PHP Version 5.3.5
mySQL Version 5.1.53-log
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On

Re: Current versions of these modules, please
  • 2011/3/11 2:34

  • jph000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

Mamba, just a followup note on your reply to JAVesey. Thanks as well for the note about the SourceForge module repository.

As far as legacy modules and XOOPS 2.5, on a test site I've got the following modules working okay:

stockquotes 0.1
news 1.66
xoopheadline 1
smartfaq 1.08
wflinks 1.06
sections 1
liaise 1.26
xoopspoll 1
wvleather 0.9

Most modules have been modified to run under PHP 5 and PHP 5.3 and validated for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. No PHP errors. Validation passed. No CSS level 2.1 errors (except for XOOPS 2.5 core's use of special, advanced CSS features).

As modified, wflinks 1.06 has some deprecations remaining. I tried wflinks 1.08 but the Latest Listings feature is broken; and there may be other issues as well. I'm still testing wflinks 1.08.

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.0
PHP Version 5.3.5
mySQL Version 5.1.53-log
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode Off
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc Off
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On

Re: Template Set Manager Download - bad tar.gz file
  • 2010/10/1 19:08

  • jph000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

ghia, the problem is with the tar file itself that's generated.

The default.tar.gz that's downloaded unpacks okay to default.tar, which generates an error when trying to unpack.

I've spent some time checking code (e.g., /class/class.tar.php) and PHP settings. I've got two xoops sites running on the same ISP's production server. The first uses xoops 2.3.3 and the default.tar.gz file unpacks okay, all the way to the default folder containing the templates folder and tplset.xml file.

The second site uses xoops 2.4.5 beta and the default.tar file extracted from the downloaded tar.gz file is bad. (On my test Ubuntu system noted in a prior post, running xoops 2.4.5, the same thing happens, namely, a bad tar file.)

I've opened the two default.tar files in TextWrangler to compare them as to format, but see no obvious problem. Binary information, of course, is not viewable.

So, this problem remains unresolved.

Template Set Manager Download - bad tar.gz file
  • 2010/9/30 18:41

  • jph000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

Whenever I try to download the XOOPS Default Template Set (or a clone of it) using the Template Set Manager Download link, the downloaded tar.gz file is bad, that is, on Linux the Archive Manager says it is an invalid tar format and generates an error, and on a Mac the Archive Utility likewise generates an error.

The only thing I've found to examine the file is on a Mac using TextWrangler 3.1, which show a sequence of text blocks, starting with:

default/templates/system/system_bannerdisplay.html and a long string of "gremlin" characters and a long string of numbers and more gremlins and then "ustar" and then more gremlins and then an html block

for example.

Any ideas?

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.4.5
PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5
mySQL Version 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6

Re: system_redirect theme template problem
  • 2010/9/30 17:41

  • jph000

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  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

trabis, thanks for the above posting regarding changing /class/theme.php because I had a similar problem which was quite frustrating over several days.

The template code in the default theme for:


was not being used for redirects on logging in and out and other updates. I noticed this problem because the:


image was not being shown on the page, and the code for the page was what was in:



What was even more puzzling was that the problem occurred on a new, fresh Xoops 2.4.5 installation. But the problem did NOT occur on an old Xoops site which I'd upgraded to 2.4.5.

I changed the code for function resourcePath in:


and the problem went away for the site, regardless of whether the default theme or a renamed copy of it was used. And finally the cache smarty_compile file:


was correct, that is, it used the template code with ajax_indicator_01.gif.

However, I am still puzzled, since after I reverted the theme.php file and reloaded the System module, the problem did NOT occur again.

My test sites are using:

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.4.5
PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5
mySQL Version 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6

One other note, the problem does not occur on an Xoops 2.4.5 beta site using XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.4.5 beta, PHP Version 5.2.14, mySQL Version 5.1.39-log.

Re: myLinks modules : which is the best? what's xoops.org using?
  • 2010/2/25 0:50

  • jph000

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  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2004/8/2 2

Mamba, do you know if there's a post somewhere on xoops.org listing what modules and module versions are being used on the xoops.org site?

Also, in XOOPS 2.45 beta, I've been using wflinks 1.06 and it appears that there's a new author or authors for version 1.08. I fixed html validation bugs in 1.06 which remain in version 1.08.

I am considering re-testing mylinks 1.1 which I "fixed" for php 5 in 2007. But I am not sure what xoops.org has done with this module, if anything, like html validation.

Are you using wflinks 1.08?


In debug mode, I discovered apparently that notices, warnings, and deprecated messages are generated if no cache is set for wflinks 1.06 and smartfaq 1.08.

Re: Display Problem with Modules Admin in System Module - protector
  • 2010/2/23 0:16

  • jph000

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> and just to make sure - you did copy the /upgrade directory to your XOOPS installation, and ran it, right?



In checking the contents of both protector folders in my upgraded XOOPS 2.4.4 installation against those in the full XOOPS 2.4.4 package, the following files were missing:



After adding them from the full XOOPS 2.4.4 package, the display problem (code corruption) on the Modules Administration page, with protector module in the modules folder, was resolved.

There were some additional files missing in some other xoops_lib/modules/protector folders as well. I probably ftp'd the xoops2.3.3b-to-2.4.4 package's xoops_lib and xoops_data folders over the prior ones rather than doing a tar.gz extract. (The prior folders may have been missing files as well.)

So, to resolve all omissions, I replaced my incomplete xoops_lib/modules/protector folder with the full XOOPS 2.4.4 package's one.

So, Mamba was correct when he said "Most of the time this is caused by ... missing Protector files in the xoops_lib."

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