How are spammers bypassing the CAPTCHA?
  • 2011/10/7 7:38

  • tedsmith

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Was having spammers ruin my site using Xoops 2.4.4 so I upgraded to 2.5.3 the other day so that I had some CAPTCHA options to ensure only humans registered.

However, the spammers are still getting through! If you look at my 'Recent Members' block n my site (http://www.lost-doggies.com) for 7/10/11 I think all of them are spammed accounts added since two days ago when I added CAPTCHA

How are they getting past it and how can I stop them? They surely aren't manually registering, and I don't really want to have approve registrations myself because I am often away for a few days at a time and I don't want genuine members to have to wait to upload their lost dog reports.

Re: ImageManager and Avatars destroyed during 2.4.4. to 2.5.3 upgrade
  • 2011/10/6 21:27

  • tedsmith

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I wonder if it was due to missing a System module update after updating or reconfiguring one of the other modules. I updated the WF-Resources module as part of another problem, but didn't run the System Module update I don't think, so maybe it's all caught up with itself.

I didn't realise Profile was packaged with the core because it didn't present itself as one of the available modules and my site continued to use the default and older registration page system until I added this module. It all started because I needed a CAPTHCA process for my registration. After upgrading the core Xoops system, no CAPTCHA appeared until I installed Profile module that I linked to above.

So many bits and pieces so as you say, probably one step was missing somewhere amidst the process.

Re: WF-Channel 2.06 Beta - Missing columns in database and pages not showing
  • 2011/10/6 20:57

  • tedsmith

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Hi Trabis

I'd agree with you if it were not for the fact that only a few weeks ago I edited some values of my About Page using 2.4.4. When I tried to do the same today after upgrading to 2.5.3, it didn't work. So it's a bit of a mystery.

I'll re-read your suggestion and have a go tomorrow probably - I'm a bit worn out today.



Re: ImageManager and Avatars destroyed during 2.4.4. to 2.5.3 upgrade
  • 2011/10/6 20:53

  • tedsmith

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Turned out it was because I was using the Profile 1.62 version, instead of the seemingly much more recent 1.70 version.

Having eventually scratched round the numerous outdated and invalid download links, I eventually found 1.70 at http://www.chronolabs.coop/binaries/, specifically, http://bin.chronolabs.coop/xoops2.5_profile_1.70.zip. Having updated my Profile module with that, my avatars are all accessible and if my users clieck 'Edit Account', the avatar button now exists! Happy days.

Come on guys - if this Profile module is so central to the entire Xoops system these days, why on earth is it not maintained as part of it, or at least packaged with it. It's caused me hours of pain!

I have taken the liberty of adding the latest download link to the outdated news entry, here https://xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=101&lid=1949&com_id=54180&com_rootid=54180&com_mode=flat&com_order=0#comment54180


ImageManager and Avatars destroyed during 2.4.4. to 2.5.3 upgrade
  • 2011/10/6 20:28

  • tedsmith

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This question is related to the 'Avatars don't show in Admin' thread created recently (https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?start=0&topic_id=72652&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0), but different as I explain below.

As other threads I've started in the last 24 hours will tell you, I've updagred from 2.4.4 to 2.5.3. and I have added the Profile module to enable CAPTCHA facilities.

However, the avatars are all missing now and users do not have the option to upload one themselves, despite the option being set to 'yes' for "Allow custom avatar upload?" Preferences --> User Info Settings.

In Preferences --> System Module Settings, I also have 'Active Avatars' set to 'Yes'.

Despite that, all new users get a silouetted figure as a default Avatar, and if you click on 'Edit Account' there is no button to add or edit Avatars as there used to be.

If I go to Avatars Manager, the it recognises the 66 System Avatars plus a few dozen custom avatars in terms of numbers, but when I click on them to see a gallery of pictures, all I get is the names of each avatar with no actual picture - i.e. a thuimbnails gallery with no thumbnails.

The image path is
"Choose files in: C:\path\to\my\website\lost-doggies.com/uploads/avatars/"

As far as I know, the \ and / slash issue should be resolved by the PHP functions. Yes - the site is hosted on Windows Server 2008 and IIS.

If I then explore ImageManager itself, again, it sees that I have many categories and hundreds of images, but it cannot show any of them. This might help explain why my WF-Channel pages are not working either, as they too contain images? (https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74296&post_id=341579#forumpost341579).

I'm not sure if it's related, but I detected a problem similar to this using another CMS and it was due to the imagemanager directory being moved. It was fixed in that (http://community.?????.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4426&forum=49&post_id=39570#forumpost39570). I'm not sure if that problem has been replicated in some way here?


(PS - this is why I hate upgrading....4 threads in and about 6 hours in and I'm still ironing out problems).

WF-Channel 2.06 Beta - Missing columns in database and pages not showing
  • 2011/10/6 19:50

  • tedsmith

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OK, so I was using WF-Channel, version 2.0RC with Xoops 2.4.4. All were fine. I then upgraded to Xoops 2.5.3, and on the whole, all was fine, except that whenerv I tried to view a user profile, I got an error relating to missing wfc tables.

I did some Googling and discovered it was due to the older version of WF-Channel and Catwolf said a fix would repair it. The fix came with ver 2.06 beta (https://xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=94&lid=1927) which I have updated to along with the WF-Resources module which is alos required (v1.05). And sure enough, the "viewing accounts" problem is now fixed.

However, it is at the price of my WF-Channel pages. I only had one page anyway but it was my main 'About' page, but it now does not show at all - just the title. I have checked the permissions and set them to ticked for all users but it still does not show, even to the webmaster.

To try and fix it, I tried a few things like 'duplicating' the page and editing the page. However, all of these resulted in a variety of errors when I tried to change it. Specifically it was saying that the following columns did not exist :


So, using phpMyAdmin, I created them one by one (each time I added one to my database I was then asked for the next one) by adding them to the 'xoopsprefix_wfcpages' table. I took a guess at the types and set them all as 'text' apart from wfc_active which I assumed would be a 0 or 1 so I set it to INT. Having done that, I can now edit pages, duplicate pages etc, but the page itself still does not show.

a) does this help with the module development at all as I see it's beta was released back in May 2010. Did the final 2.06 ever get released and these issues fixed? or
b) have I messd up somewhere? If so, where? and\or
c) does anyone know why my page does not show. For info, it is this page : http://www.lost-doggies.com/modules/wfchannel/index.php?cid=2


(PS - I have just posted another seperate thread relating to pictures in the ImageManager and Avatars not working - I have a feeling this problem may be related to that as my WF-Channel pages does contains ome images - https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74298&post_id=341581#forumpost341581 ).

Re: How to reorder the Menu menu
  • 2011/10/6 17:00

  • tedsmith

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Ha, I didn't notice the 4th line at the top of the modules admin that reads " * To change order of modules (which will be reflected in the Menu), you just need to drag and drop the modules to the desired placement."

Very neat...only problem is that I must be doing something wrong because it doesn't seem to work. Darn! I am not having much luck.

Re: How to reorder the Menu menu
  • 2011/10/6 16:21

  • tedsmith

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Sorry to bump a 7 year old thread (!!!), but I've just upgraded from Xoops 2.4.4 to 2.5.3 and I find that I all of a sudden cannot re-order module items in my main menu? I have done it as described above since the dawn of time (well, 2004), and now I seem unable to work it out.

If I got to modules in System Admin I have the following columns :

Module | Version | Last Update | Active | Menu | Action

None of which have any numbers or arrows to move modules up or down.

I even read this (http://macambridge.com/dummies/menus.htm) which describes the process in the same way?


Re: Is there any CAPTHA facility that will work with XOOPS 2.4.4
  • 2011/10/6 15:45

  • tedsmith

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Thanks for the tip Mamba.

I tried all of that but it did not work until I realised that with this version of Xoops you need to install the Profile module (https://xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=101&lid=1949). Having downloaded and installed that, I now have a CAPTHA in y registration page.

Thanks a lot


Re: Is there any CAPTHA facility that will work with XOOPS 2.4.4
  • 2011/10/5 20:52

  • tedsmith

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Hi Mamba

Thanks for the guidance. I have been pondering the upgrade for several months but had been putting off, but I went for it just now from 2.4.4 to 2.5.3 and everything seems to have gone OK so far! Very impressed with the changes - well done.

Now I just need to find where the CAPTCHA settings are as they are not presenting themsevles to me....?

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