Re: How to transfer MediaWiki to another MediaWiki integrated with XOOPS
  • 2008/5/17 14:09

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

I've posted on LinkedIn for recommendations for people that can a) migrate an existing MediWiki database to the XOOPS module including all pages, images, and media, as well as integrate the MediaWiki module with the built-in global search XOOPS has. Will update here if this is successful.

Re: How to transfer MediaWiki to another MediaWiki integrated with XOOPS
  • 2008/5/6 0:54

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Hi Sarah,

I'm planning to attempt the same thing. Were you able to find assistance with this? I know there is a built in method to import/export pages, but that doesn't help with images and documents that you've uploaded...

Anyone done this yet?

To-Do List Block!!
  • 2005/9/27 16:37

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Does anyone know of any sort of to-do list block? Basically it would work like the Personal Links Manager block, but would list to-do items only visible to the user that put them there. Obviously you need to be able to check and item off to remove it. Seems simple to me...but I'm no programmer!

Any ideas?

Re: [PAID WORK] "File Requests" Module for Intranet
  • 2005/8/25 20:17

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Thanks for your help Mithrandir. This looks like it might work. We're going to try and use it for a day or so and see how everyone likes it.

Re: [PAID WORK] "File Requests" Module for Intranet
  • 2005/8/25 16:31

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

The "File Name" is simply something we would cut and paste into that box. The module doesn't need to grab data from any other place. Most other modules have too many extra fields that we don't need, and nobody at my company has the experience to make the changes needed to an existing module.

[PAID WORK] "File Requests" Module for Intranet
  • 2005/8/25 16:18

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

We've recently come across the need for a custom module for my company's corporate intranet that our programmers are unable to handle.

Currently we handle a large amount of "File Requests" on a daily basis that have to be cleared (Uploaded) within an hour or so by our staff. When these requests come in however, we do not have a way of catalogging them in order of priority (age).

This is why we need bids on a new module for our site. I've drawn up a few screens for you to look at as a reference to what the module should do. Here is some more:

1. Must use our template (Smarty)
2. Must be compatible with XOOPS version 2.0.7
3. Must install/uninstall as any other module would
4. Must have custom center block as well as main module. (See drawings)

1. Ability to post a file name, short comment, (35 characters or less)
2. Ability to post comment with file name
3. Ability to filter view by user
4. Ability to view date/time posted (Server time)
5. Ability to view date/time cleared
6. Ability to view who posted the message
7. Ability to prune posts older than 30 days
8. Colored messages based on age of post
9. Alternating table row colors for ease of viewing

See drawings at http://www.worldtechusa.com/downloads/FileRequestDrawings.pdf

Please send bids to ben@worldtechusa.com. I will check back here for any questions/comments. I hope someone is willing to build this for us! :)

Re: Simplified URLs Hack
  • 2005/7/13 14:59

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Can you take this a bit further by replacing the "." with "-" instead?

For example, I have this URL with Simplified URLs:


But would be happier with:

http://www.worldtechusa.com/tinycontent1-index-id-1.htm (not a link)

Additionally, would there be any way to change the URL on a per page basis (For tinycontent)? Like:

http://www.worldtechusa.com/medical-transcription-service.htm (not a link)

instead of:


We're paying an SEO quite a bit of money to optimize our site, and they say having your keywords in the URLs will help immensely.

Any thoughts?

KnowledgeTree Port?
  • 2005/7/9 1:28

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

OK, so people could make quite a bit of money right now in the document management business, and what better CMS to use as a platform than XOOPS!?

Check out the open source document management system called KnowledgeTree. If anyone is interested in trying to get this into XOOPS, I will test everything for you... That's about all I have to offer in the way of module development anyway.

I know there has been lots of interest in the XOOPS community for document management, but nothing yet has been quite as robust (or open-source) as KnowledgeTree. Any thoughts?

Re: Lost pet module...
  • 2004/10/28 16:44

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Yes, along with a picture of the pet in question.

Re: Blocks Admin
  • 2004/8/21 23:22

  • bmmolloy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2004/4/21

Additionaly, you can rename your 'registered users' group to whatever you want all new users to go into, and then set the access from there. I have the following:

India (registered users, limited access)
USA (Admin Access to certain modules)
webmasters (access to everything)

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