Possible To Cache Dynamic Images?

Hey guys/gals!

Got a caching question for you. Is there a way that I can cache a dynamic image on the client side so that it isn't reloaded every time that they visit a particular page? The image that is....

For example...

Resized Image

I would like to set a time limit that this image is cached, say 6 hours. Right now its being reloaded every time that the page is refreshed. Im trying to figure out a way that will cut the amount of bandwidth that is being used.
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Re: Help with an array problem...

Got it figured out..... LOL!

Here is the solution.......

$r "SELECT bf2pid FROM xoops_users WHERE bf2pid > '0'";//<------specify the table name you are storing your PIDS in
$result mysql_query($r$bf2online) or die("Help I can't connect");
$num_results mysql_num_rows($result);

while (
$bf2online_pid mysql_fetch_array($result))
$AllowedPID[] = $bf2online_pid['bf2pid'];
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Help with an array problem...

Hey guys,

Got a question for you.... How could I extract a particular field from the xoops_users table and stick all of the results in an array() function? Basically what I am wanting to do is customize my sig script so that only members of my site are allowed to use the script. Its a basic if statement, but it needs to check the array to see if a the bf2pid number is included in the array. If its not it generates an error for the end user. That way I can secure the script a little bit better than how I have it.

One thing that you might want to know is that this script resides on another machine other than the one that the site is on. Therefore, I cant use the typical xoopsDB calls.

Here is the array that I have to work with, this is one that I wrote, but I don't think its working correctly.
$r "SELECT bf2pid FROM xoops_users WHERE bf2pid > 0";//<------specify the table name you are storing your PIDS in
$result mysql_query($r$bf2online) or die("Help I can't connect");
$num_results mysql_num_rows($result);

$AllowedPID = array('any');

Basically, I want only the pids that are in the database, as I have quite a few members that sign up for an account and don't update thier profile with thier pid. You are probably wondering what pid means, well its the number that EA assigns you when you buy the game and setup your online BF2 account. This number is associated with your overall score and all of the awards that you have accumulated while you are playing online. For example, mine is 43378148.

Most of my members don't update thier profile with this number, and my site is setup to do much more than generate stats sigs, it stores the stats for each member also. But to do that I need thier pid. So to make a long story short this is why I need to get this array going.

Any help with this would be super!

Thanks fellow xoopsers!
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Re: New messages in theme as smarty; how to?

You might try translating it using google languages.....
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Re: Modify register user form - a sugestion for who have done it


McNaz wrote:
IMHO, The cleanest way to do it is doing it in a dedicated module. The danger of hacking Xoop's user table is that is locks you into that XOOPS version, especially if a new version is released (security fix for example) then you will have to be very carefull when upgrading.

I totally agree with this. For me though, I had no other choice but to modify the xoops_user table. Now, if I want to upgrade the system, I will just simply backup that table and be done with it. Its not a hard task, but like McNaz said, its one that needs careful attention. I modified my xoops_user table highly, and to lose it would be devistating to my site. Daily backups, two words of advise.
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Sounds like a permissions problem maybe.....

You might try that first. Make sure that the module is readable by everyone.
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Re: Highly Customized User Account

Thanks Herko! Its pretty simple how everything works, just quite a bit of information to modify. Lots of db fields to add to the xoops_user table, lots of smarty variables to add, and lots of other things that went on, just to make that one small page visible like it is. Its way cool how versitle XOOPS is. Anything is possible
www.tswn.com | www.bf2online.com | aquaria.tswn.com | www.bf2142online.org

Highly Customized User Account

Well here is the latest addition to the bf2online.com site. You can now view your bf2 stats in your profile! Being the tinkerer that I am, I customized the userprofile in a way that when the user updates their profile with their BF2 PID, it generates a sig automatically and also updates their profile with their latest statistics. This only works if you update your profile. The key to keeping your stats up-to-date is to use the sig. The sig grabs the information every six hours, and updates the database. Highly customized with smarty, and Xoops.
The stats are complete and up-to-date. I am still adding things to it, such as specific vehicle kills etc. All of the medals, badges, & ribbons are accurate to your own account.

Here is a pic of my user account.

Resized Image

Im pretty proud of what I have accomplished, as its been a big learning experience for me.

Anyway, just thought I would share that. For those of you who are wondering what files I had to modify, feel free to contact me.
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Re: Teamspeak issues

Sorry bout that......
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Re: Teamspeak issues

Ok, first of all, please visit www.tswn.com for the xoops_teamspeak module troubleshooting. And second of all, are you installing the xoops_teamspeak module? This module only works with Xoops, it is not a stand alone piece of software. If you have questions about this module, please visit the site above.
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