Re: Graphics/template for xoops.

I'm no designer, but if it's just a matter of making blocks and colours look like they should look, then it's all in the theme. Maybe ask the designer to take a look in an existing theme's files? A lot of it is CSS, which he should know.

Regarding paying someone to do work for you, there are no problems. You can pay/get paid for doing anything with XOOPS - as long as you don't keep the code secret.

If you want a special module/theme and pay someone to develop it, that's fine - but the module/theme will have to be published and/or released when approched.

Good luck with your site.

Re: GameserverStatus-Module

PM me an email address to send it to.

I must warn you, though, I've made some appearance changes because it was used on an e-xoops 1.3 site and I added some more options, such as inputting the server IP manually or selecting one from a list of servers.

Re: How to find ID of the record just added?

$newID = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();

Re: GameserverStatus-Module

I have a script lying around for querying Tribes 2 servers - if that has interest

Good luck and nice work

Re: Working on a new clan website :)

I don't know if this is of interest to your particular gaming style but here goes:

I have made a Team Module for managing gaming clans. It manages rosters, matches, maps for matches, availability, tactics and lineups (dunno about the usefullness of the last two)

You are very welcome to check it out and see if you can use it

Re: module admin preferences

I see
$modversion['config'][3]['name'] = 'displaynav';
$modversion['config'][3]['title'] = '_MI_DISPLAYNAV';
$modversion['config'][3]['description'] = '_MI_DISPLAYNAVDSC';
$modversion['config'][3]['formtype'] = 'yesno';
$modversion['config'][3]['valuetype'] = 'int';
$modversion['config'][3]['default'] = 1;

$modversion['config'][4]['name'] = 'anonpost';
$modversion['config'][4]['title'] = '_MI_ANONPOST';
$modversion['config'][4]['description'] = '';
$modversion['config'][4]['formtype'] = 'yesno';
$modversion['config'][4]['valuetype'] = 'int';
$modversion['config'][4]['default'] = 0;

and many more in xoops_version.php (ver 2.03, though)

Re: How to start with this web site

Google is your friend

I manage with quite simple INSERT INTO, DELETE FROM, UPDATE and SELECT statements, which are easy to learn and there are loads of sites dishing out tutorials in SQL.
When you have figured out your SQL sentence to retrieve the data you want, look in the other modules how to get the information out of the database in XOOPS

Re: How to create a module?

Check the XOOPS core files. See, how the kernel/user.php, database class etc. work and see, what options are available to you.
Get a module (WF-Sections for example) and look, how that works.
If you feel like writing HTML code in your .php document. Stop!. Make a SMARTY template for it instead (if it's an advantage). Write your code object oriented. Read the xoops_version.php of e.g. news module and use everything you want from that.

If you do that, I'm sure you will have a good module, easy to read and understand and easily fulfilling the requirements for a certification.

Good luck and have fun.

Re: In need of some PHP Script help!!!!!!!

oh, ok...well... your choice then

Re: WebSlave Project - a project managment tool

Contact the author and get him/her to incorporate your changes in the next module update

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