Re: uploading media to smartmedia 0.85
  • 2005/11/9 17:33

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

If you need to upload through a module rather than FTP try using wf-downloads. Media files tend to be big so best to check with your host to make sure your server can take web uploads of large files. Mine (ipower) has a limit of 2megs so I have to ftp anyway, but if the limit for yours is higher then wf-downloads will work to post files. Then follow advice of marcan and use the URL of your media file from wf-downloads and link it to your category/file in smartmedia. I use a photo gallery like this to handle all of the image content on my website, it makes it easier to have the server handle the images when you have a large number of people contributing content.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: uploading media to smartmedia 0.85
  • 2005/11/9 17:31

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

If you need to upload through a module rather than FTP try using wf-downloads. Media files tend to be big so best to check with your host to make sure your server can take web uploads of large files. Mine (ipower) has a limit of 2megs so I have to ftp anyway, but if the limit for yours is higher then wf-downloads will work to post files. Then follow advice of marcan and use the URL of your media file from wf-downloads and link it to your category/file in smartmedia. I use a photo gallery like this to handle all of the image content on my website, it makes it easier to have the server handle the images when you have a large number of people contributing content.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: xdirectory with 2.2.3
  • 2005/11/9 17:09

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

What is your version of xdirectory? When Installed it about 6 weeks ago it turned out the version I had downloaded was out of date. I found a newer version on the XOOPS support site for Brasil.(version 1.5) I still have trouble with approval of updated submissions. (I'm opening a second window and using copy/paste to update listings manually.)Other things are running much smoother. I have been following development of mx-directory by tripmon and so far it looks to be a good alternative/upgrade for this module, its still a beta version and dev. is not moving so fast but people are using it anyway and have good things to say about it.

If you need xdirectory 1.5 send me a PM with your email and I will attach it and send to you.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Where can I get FlashCreator?
  • 2005/11/8 17:18

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

The admin at http://www.myxoops.com is working with flash and has some flash themes and a flash menu, perhaps they could steer you in the right direction.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Registration hack
  • 2005/10/30 18:15

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

You are correct sir, Extended Profiles is part of the new version 2.2.3.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Last.fm food for thought
  • 2005/10/30 18:11

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

Both contain notes, some kind of rhythym......and its easy to dance to. "I'll give it a "10" Dick"
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Registration hack
  • 2005/10/30 17:28

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27


I have experimented with the Extended Profile module in the latest XOOPS release (2.2.3) and I believe it has the capability that you desire. You can create custom fields like drop downs from a list and also make them required. The entry form for the extended profile module can show as your user registration form for new users. Setup a test site if you have the capability and play with customizing the extended profile module, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the capabilities it brings to XOOPS and community member information.

Happy xoopxing
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Content Module - Fckeditor - Image Uploads
  • 2005/9/29 23:11

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

This does not work for me. I tried it on three different sites I have hosted at ipower.

I tried to ftp files to the UserFiles/Image folder and the blank window was still blank. I tried to use the upload button on the window and check the folder through ftp to find the file... nothing.

Still Searching
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Internet Cafe Management Software?
  • 2005/9/27 16:24

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Try EasyCafe from here - http://www.tinasoft.com/ - I've setup a couple of these. It's totally brainless to use, anyone that can operate an esspreso machine can admin the system which is handy if the environment excels in coffee drinks but not in technical support.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

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