Re: Drop down options in CBB usermenu

Does anyone have some direction in regards to the Userbar drop down options?????
Helping each other with Knowledge

Drop down options in CBB usermenu

How can I remove some of the choices in the userbar option in the forums. I have the uservar ON but do not want all the optios such as YIM, MSN to be clickable. Any help on where or how to edit this would be very helpful!
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: Integrating FlashChat

I had just about given up looking for a real INSTANT CHAT module and came across FlashChat. Even though it is not a true XOOPS Module, you can create a custom block to run it in its own window just like yahoo, aol, or msn instant chat. It will auto sign in your members if they are already logged into the site. It works great, looks great and is simple to modify for your own site integration.
It only cost $5 and its well worth the small cost to get a truly wonderful instant chat working on your site. Oh, it can also be used as a live help service too!!

You can read more about it HERE
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: Theme selelction not remembered for user

Thanks, I have seen one called theme selector but I think its for the administrator to have specific themes for specific modules which is not the same thing.
Helping each other with Knowledge

Theme selelction not remembered for user

I am using XOOPS and have a couple of working themes. I have one theme set as default.

I allowed logged in users to select a theme which works, however when they log OUT of the site and then LOGIN it does not remember the theme they have selected. It goes back to the DEFAULT.

Is this a bug..or just my problem?
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: Newbb2.0 Userbar choices control

Still hoping someone can point me in the right direction to control what appears in the userbar drop down menu when in forums like here?
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: cbb 3.04: Install problems

This may be dumb to ask, but where is your sql databes being hosted at. When you say live and test. Are you testing on your own local host. Is your live site hosted elsewhere with another hosting company?
Helping each other with Knowledge

How do I change the standard error page on sql problems.

When my sql server is busy my site gets this error,which is fine. However, I want to change the message that is displayed to my users. Where would I find the file to change. I looked but just cant locate it.
This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.

If you are the administrator of this site, please visit the XOOPS Troubleshooting Page for assistance.

Error [Xoops]: Unable to connect to database in file class/database/databasefactory.php line 34
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: NewBB 2.0 Version 2.02 where to go next?

I looked at that version, and admit wasn't sure when I read about the FRAMEWORKS item, I guess that is required to be install for future XOOPS upgrades too? I will report back how the upgrade goes!
Helping each other with Knowledge

NewBB 2.0 Version 2.02 where to go next?

Okay, I must have overlooked something because when I started using my site I thought NewBB2.0 was the most recent forum to use. I am using XOOPS 2.0.13

If I understand it, CBB has replaced this. If this is the case, which version should I use and how easily will it be to upgrade.

Will I loose all my post and settings? Any issues I need to be aware of. I just want to be sure to use the most current and most supported forum module for my XOOPS cms site.
Helping each other with Knowledge

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