Excellent...I do believe you found it!! Thank You so much. I hope others using the newbb2.0 wanting some control over the userbar dropdown choices will be happy to know where the file is.
Now to email my members that the ability to PM and See profile directly from the forums is back!!
Anyone interested in limiting what choices in the userbar when enabled will be shown can edit the post.php file.
I simply added the // to comment out those items such as YIM and MSMN as shown in the example of the code below, that I didn't wnat to be a clickable item in the forums users dropdown list. I find this the easiest way to modify it and if I ever want to add those items back I can just go back and remove the //.
if ($xoopsModuleConfig['userbar_enabled']) {
$uname = $eachposter->getVar('uname');
$name = $eachposter->getVar('name');
$uname = (empty($xoopsModuleConfig['show_realname'])||empty($name))?$uname:$name;
$profile_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['personal'], _PROFILE);
$pm_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['pm'], sprintf(_SENDPMTO, $uname));
$icq_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['icq'], _MD_ICQ);
$email_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['email'], sprintf(_SENDEMAILTO, $uname));
$aim_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['aim'], _MD_AIM);
$home_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['home'], _VISITWEBSITE);
// $yim_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['yahoo'], _MD_YIM);
// $msnm_png = newbb_displayImage($forumImage['msnm'], _MD_MSNM);
$userbar = (is_object($xoopsUser))? "
" . $profile_png . " " . _PROFILE . " |
":" ";
$userbar .= (is_object($xoopsUser))? "
getVar('uid') . "', 'pmlite', 450, 380);\">" . $pm_png . " " . sprintf(_SENDPMTO, $uname) . " |
":" ";
$userbar .= ($isadmin || (is_object($xoopsUser) && $eachposter->getVar('user_viewemail')))? "
" . $email_png . " " . sprintf(_SENDEMAILTO, $uname) . " |
":" ";
$userbar .= ($eachposter->getVar('url'))? "
" . $home_png . " " . _VISITWEBSITE . " |
":" ";
$userbar .= (is_object($xoopsUser) && $eachposter->getVar('user_icq'))? "
" . $icq_png . " " . _MD_ICQ . " |
":" ";
$userbar .= (is_object($xoopsUser) && $eachposter->getVar('user_aim'))? "
getVar('user_aim') . "+Are+you+there?' target='_blank'>" . $aim_png . " " . _MD_AIM . " |
":" ";
// $userbar .= (is_object($xoopsUser) && $eachposter->getVar('user_yim'))? "
" . $yim_png . " " . _MD_YIM . " |
":" ";
// $userbar .= (is_object($xoopsUser) && $eachposter->getVar('user_msnm'))? "
" . $msnm_png . " " . _MD_MSNM . " |
":" ";
$userbar = '';