newbb 2.01 final problems
  • 2005/1/25 17:50

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Hi, We were running newbb2.0 final and decided to upgrade to 2.01 final, with some not so good results.

(running XOOPS

When logged in, the forum never shows a user is logged in. Always, their status is 'Offline'.

Also, more importantly, cannot reply to any msgs. It says:

"Could not insert forum post"

Is there anyone else having similar problems? I think i saw someone mention something about the cannot reply issue.

What can i do to resolve these? do i need to wait for 2.02 ?


Re: Theme Design Q & A - Ask your questions here
  • 2005/1/24 21:02

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Very cool... nice example.

So how would you render it in XOOPS depending on if the right blocks exist?

Thx for the detailed CSS info... I didnt think about using javascript to hide/show layers.


Re: Theme Design Q & A - Ask your questions here
  • 2005/1/24 17:53

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

In a CSS no tables theme, do you know a trick which will allow a 3 column layout to expand the middle content area spanned into a 2 colum layout?

Like when using Smarty, you can say <{if $xoops_rblocks}> and render the right side blocks or not at all if there are no right side blocks.

Then, instead of having blank right side, the middle content area expands to the right side.

currently im setting margin-left:160px; for the content area div.

Know of any trick that lets a 3 column layout morph into a 2 column?



Re: XOOPS at Debian
  • 2005/1/18 20:30

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

This is great to hear!

Since one of my hosts uses Debian, this may lead to XOOPS being automatically available for a quicker install.

This would be nice :)


Re: Forum question.
  • 2005/1/18 20:06

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Yes, like irmtfan suggested, you should read that FAQ to fix the problem you are having.

The reason it doesnt seem to work is if users are already signed up (including you or admin), then their display mode is already set in the user profile, with whatever WAS the default comment mode.

So you need to update all users who you want set to flat by setting their umode to 'flat' in the xoops_user table of the database.

Hope it helps.

Re: Action List
  • 2005/1/18 17:16

  • hyperpod

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  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

For a test module, i propose using Credits 1.3.5


Its mostly a simple module with at least 4 languages already supported. JasonMR did a great job in the project management area of this project.

as the coder, im aware of some things that need to be improved with it (like supporting register globals=off) and so maybe it would be a great test to run it through the QA filter.

Also, I would like to start on the Linux side of action item #3, although, even after reviewing the mozilla smoketest info, im still not sure where to start with XOOPS module smoketesting. I do understand a bit of it, but i havent done any yet. Maybe I could get a better jist of it from brash's windows smoketests.

I can do a good job with writing tech docs, so writing these smoketests would be an enjoyable challenge.


Re: Forum question.
  • 2005/1/17 19:01

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4


To set this, go into:

Admin|Preferences|General Settings

and find the option: Default Comment Display Mode

(which is the 5th row from the bottom)

and set it to Flat

This setting is used by most modules such as the forum modules to do what you need.

Hope that helps!

Re: news module and flash
  • 2005/1/14 16:54

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Greetings lolothom,

I spotted your problem right away!

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="320" id="slidingpuzzle" ALIGN="">

Notice the forward slash before both places where it refers to the flash movie in the uploads directory.

This works in a block because the path is relevant from it, but inside of a module, you need to reference the flash file differently....

The slash works from both places if your site isnt inside a subdirectory from root. if it is, then you would need to put the subdirectory into the path as well.

Hope that makes sense.



Re: PocketThemes.com currently using phpNuke, can it be updated to xoops?
  • 2004/10/7 6:34

  • hyperpod

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  • Posts: 359

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Nice site, Ive been there before looking for themes for my iPaq 5555 PPC.

After looking at your site I can see a full conmversion to XOOPS would be very feasible.

Here's the breakdown.


· Home
· Download Themes
· FAQ's: Need help? Look here
· Theme Statistics
· Submit Themes
· Theme Developer's Guide
· Forums
· Rules
· Contact Us
· Advertise With Us

The home page of XOOPS can be easily configured to summarize and link to the tons of content you have in each cms module.

For downloads, a good choice would be WF-Downloads which has all the features you could expect for a download module. Including counting downloads and creating report summaries. Also includes screenshots.
Addons could do whatever else was required.
This would cover Theme Statistics and Sibmitting themes for download.

You could use TinyContent for the Theme Developer pages and and rules... As well as the advertising.

For the FAQs you could use SmartFAQ which is an active advanced XOOPS module for managing the content.

The great NewBB 2.0 forum is a great choice to start and possibly continue and existing forum.

Of course there are several functional contact forms or other pages of information your need.

Built into XOOPS is a banner management system which allows your sponsors to continue seamlessly.

Donations module for handling your paypal donations similar to your current method. With some great features.

And XOOPS itself has many built in modudules and a great user management system...

I've converted several site from php-nuke to XOOPS and its like a hot knife through butter.

Then you just need a kickass theme and maybe an amazon module to sell books, and new & used pocket pc's.

Would be a great site on xoops.

There are also some good scripts out there to move your existing nuke userbase to a XOOPS userbase.

Ive moved a few and it worked out, with some minor tweaks.

If you need some XOOPS module developement or themes, id be happy to work on this project.

Best Regards,

Re: birthday mod
  • 2004/10/5 9:23

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

This would be a great module.

Birthday reminders with possible email cards sent out...and if the community was tight, a block for displaying upcoming birthdays...

Thats a great idea.



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