...this newbie goes bla, bla, bla... again
I guess that the packtpub place as finalist pulled whole lot of beginners, both absolute newbies as my self but also established php-nerds to tryout Xoops.
Now what i think that I see... although my horizont may not be total.
The debate in the forum seem to be very focused on system install, updates and on installing modules... most I think on modules and instaling them. Its not much on templates and themes. The Q's on templates seem also to refer to install and initial website start.
My conclusion is that the effective person would aim at lowering the newbies questions, not by scaring them off though
The effective pathway could then be understould as...
#1. Update and arrange modules for less newbie (starter and pros) problems.
#2. Restart the Xoops.org site (or Xoops3.org)
#3. Slightly polished (editor matching and some other smaller issues etc) system v2.4
After that I believe that the sphere of XOOPS will become more clear and visible... both on issues and opinions about pathway. (no surveys needed before v3)