Re: Best Xoops 2.3.1 newbie beginner instructions /manual /tutorial?
  • 2008/11/7 14:15

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Summing up

This is obvious the article to read: "Start A XOOPS Site" https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Topic_id_5713
The article doesn't really cover 2.3.1, so:

# recommended modules, see below
# article covers home test-server XAMPP (installing at PHP webhost is exactly the same)

Modules, good to have. This thread clearify stuff from the article "Starting A XOOPS Site". https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=66402&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0


Re: Recommended Xoops 2.3.1 first starting modules - admin /security /management etc.
  • 2008/11/7 13:38

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Would U accept this for a summary?

So, refering to Skenow "Starting a XOOPS site" [dec 2007] https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Topic_id_5713
the needed or first set of modules as complement to 2.3.1 (to download separately) is only:
# Diagnostics (XoopsInfo 2.14)
# Backup and restore 3.0

Included in 2.3.1: Protector, Framework , editors and PM (earlier needed to download separately).

Any other module that could /should be considered in a starter-kit?

[size=x-small]Hope U notice that I try to sort things out and to be found in a proper Google search.[/size]

Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/7 12:24

  • MrGrey

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Alternatives are pointless?
Resistance is futile!

Hi all! Thanks Sailjapan ...must really ask. Is News 1.56 /1.62 in practice favoured in some way?

If "News" is all that outstanding in all /most aspects, why do folks bother about coding new article /magazine modules?

If the assortment of modules in the repository at all should be motivated, surely there must be some reason for alternatives!?


Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/6 11:58

  • MrGrey

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Xoops news-style modules

Please tell wich features and /or characteristics you find most positive with XOOPS news, articles, advanced blogs and /or Zmagazine modules.

In some ways also small ezines, small news-sites and advanced blogs have some resemblance.

1) Is "news" nessessary best for news, etc?
2) Surely U have some smart trix, tips'n hints on this!
2) Which is the easiest to learn and manage?

There are some to choose among:

News 1.62
AMS 2.51 /52 (?)
Makale Module
Xpress (Wordpress)
Content ____(added by JAVesey, below)

X-center ___?

Please tell if any nice alternatives should be added (and why)?


Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2008/11/6 9:44

  • MrGrey

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...this newbie goes bla, bla, bla... again

I guess that the packtpub place as finalist pulled whole lot of beginners, both absolute newbies as my self but also established php-nerds to tryout Xoops.

Now what i think that I see... although my horizont may not be total.

The debate in the forum seem to be very focused on system install, updates and on installing modules... most I think on modules and instaling them. Its not much on templates and themes. The Q's on templates seem also to refer to install and initial website start.

My conclusion is that the effective person would aim at lowering the newbies questions, not by scaring them off though

The effective pathway could then be understould as...

#1. Update and arrange modules for less newbie (starter and pros) problems.

#2. Restart the Xoops.org site (or Xoops3.org)

#3. Slightly polished (editor matching and some other smaller issues etc) system v2.4

After that I believe that the sphere of XOOPS will become more clear and visible... both on issues and opinions about pathway. (no surveys needed before v3)

Re: Problem editing news items
  • 2008/11/4 9:53

  • MrGrey

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Can't find news 1.63 on that site... Nor in XOOPS search.

...but if we should search the module name Oledrion 1.63... U could say so. Not realy intuitive, is it?

Is this what U are aiming @, the XOOPS news module 1.63?

...but later on it says e-commerce... I'm lost!


Re: Xoops strong sides! - why choose Xoops?
  • 2008/11/2 14:11

  • MrGrey

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Quote, limecity: I love XOOPS for its simplicity in customizing. but still lacks in modules variety.
i love joomla for its comprehensive modules, paid or free.//

It's interesting to compare, that often highlights strong and weak points. That also applies when somthing seem good and operational but may fall short anyhow in a comparison.

But, I must ask... First U say that XOOPS lack module variety. After that U say U love Joomla comprehensive modules. Both can apply, but what is U're suggestion? Is it that?

A) XOOPS doesn't have a broad enough spectre of modules for special tasks?

B) XOOPS modules are too much alike (as for News 1.62 and AMS 2.52 being to much alike?)

C) Are modules for XOOPS in general aiming to much on features and complexity and NOT on "ease of use"?

D) No, no the problem is....?

Re: Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc.
  • 2008/11/1 14:38

  • MrGrey

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What about profile, whats that? Is that the smartprofile module?


Re: Xoops strong sides! - why choose Xoops?
  • 2008/11/1 12:14

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Just for correction... in the first part CMS's are voted to reach the finals.

Winners are descided among finalists by the board.


Re: Xoops strong sides! - why choose Xoops?
  • 2008/11/1 9:54

  • MrGrey

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13



What do U think XOOPS got to have or "be" to win that packtpub award?


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