Modules: Olédrion 1.64

Posted by: instantzeroOn 2008/9/15 16:50:00 7755 reads
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We are very happy to announce you the release of a new version of our Xoops e-Commerce module, Olédrion.
This version corrects some bugs and adds a new module's option.

Changelog :
- Correction of a bug in the csv export
- TCPDF was updated
- Correction of a bug in the products prices in the PDF catalog
- Addition of a pager in the module's index page
- Correction of a bug in the discount system, there was a problem when you was creating a discount with a starting and ending date
- Correction of a bug in the cart's template (for the link used to remove a product from the cart)
- New module option to select if you want to multiply the produt's shipping amount by the product's quantity.
New translation in modinfo.php :

You can download our Xoops module here :

And you can also download a zip to update the module from the version 1.63 to the version 1.64

Many translations were added to the module.
Now you can make e-Commerce on your Xoops site in 9 languages :
English, French, Arabic, Brazilian, Czech, German, Italian, Persian & Spanish

Don't forget to use our forum to ask your questions :

You can also subscribe to our newsletter here :

If you upgrade from a previous version, upload the module's files then update it in the Xoops modules manager.

Happy XOOPSing,
Instant Zero