Re: Rewriting module URLs
  • 2005/12/7 10:34

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

I doubt you'll find an .htaccess in your XOOPS installation. This is because .htaccess only works on Linux servers and not on windows machines.
This is also the reason it doesn't come as standard with xoops.

A good tutorial can be found here : here

Greetings Highlander

p.s. the link is dead at the moment (at least for me) so I cant verify if I've posted the right one. Should be ok though.
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: .htaccess Rewriterule for the ? character
  • 2005/12/6 21:48

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5


I am not quite sure why but I could only do this simple rewrite with the following code :

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^topic=([0-9]+)&forum=([0-9]+)$
RewriteRule viewtopic.php /modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=%1&forum=%[L]

I hope someone else will one day be helped by this.

Greetings Highlander

p.s. the escape charatar is an \
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.htaccess Rewriterule for the ? character
  • 2005/12/6 19:58

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi All,

I have a non-xoops site which I have converted into a XOOPS site. All the content has been migrated into the new database and all is well.

I used the information in this thread to make sure that when 'old' content was accessed the user would be led to the new location.

the problem lies with the following line :
RewriteRule ^viewtopic.php?topic=([0-9]+)&forum=([0-9]+) /modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=$1&forum=$[L]

This does not work as expected because of the ? character in the first part which is throwing things off. (the ? is a regular expression quantifier; or so google has told me)

So the question is how can I redirect my users to the right place if the first bit can't have a ? character in it. Or is there a way to escape the ? character ???

Kind regards, Highlander
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Re: How can I change the Web Links sorted by popularity initially?
  • 2005/12/5 10:21

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Peter,

I am on as well and the code I posted works fine. When I go into the weblinks module and click on a category all links show up sorted by popularity.

you get send to an url similar to this one :

Have you cloned the template set and made the changes in the clone ?
Sounds like the changes just havent "stuck".

kind regards, Highlander
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Re: 403 error after restoring backup to new server
  • 2005/12/5 10:14

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Chrisu,

I believe the error measge is saying that .htaccess might not be readable by Apache.
I believe your host should be able to fix this quickly if you give him/her a ring.

kind regards, Highlander
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Re: Custom block in custom page
  • 2005/12/4 19:57

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Maker,

as you state youself this is not a XOOPS feature.
If however your custom block would always be in the same location on the custom page but with custom contents you might be able to hack something.

You could add a bit of code to your theme.html file to display a block if the block title equals the page name.
All you would do then is create your custom blocks and give them the same name as the custom pages.

I know its not pretty and not extremely easy administrate but it might help you out.

greetings Highlander
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Re: 403 error after restoring backup to new server
  • 2005/12/4 19:31

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Look to me like your host has screwed up. (you can't access the root of your site.)

My main suggestion would be to phone them up and shout. It frequently works for me

greetings Highlander
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Re: XoopsPoll Module
  • 2005/12/2 21:36

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Very strange situation,

I can't think of any way the xoopspoll module could even know about the other sites prefix. And as the error doesn't pop up in other places I think the module itself must be to blame.

You are not sharing cache folders between these two sites or something ??

your last sentence is

Moreover, any change made on any of the sites is reflected to the other.

Do you mean this is also affecting other parts than just the polls module ?

greetings, a confused Highlander
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Re: XoopsPoll Module
  • 2005/12/2 15:14

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5


It seems there is a bit of crosstalk going on between your databases.
As a safe gaurd it is good common practice to give different databases differtent names, different prefixes and different users who can connect.

This way it wont be possible to have one XOOPS install talking to the wrong database.

Also take a good look at your mainfile.php settings (on both sites) as that is where the connection information is stored.

Hope This Helps,
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Re: New user activation mail fails
  • 2005/12/1 21:53

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

I've found the following threads in this forum. possible they might help you :

registration problem
Xoops site cannot send email
Setting up email

There is much more information on this subject so I suggest you use the search feature to find it.

good luck, Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

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