Re: Classified Ads and Jobs Modules RC's Released today.
  • 2007/12/12 14:48

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Thanks once again for your hard work on these modules John!

The classifieds module is one of my favorite XOOPS modules btw, it is very well done.



Hoe to search for certain Smarty tags?
  • 2007/10/29 12:43

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

Perhaps you can help me with this...I want to give my users the ability to search by Smarty tag...so, so search just the "location" field in the user profile for example. Also, if this is possible, how can they search for a combination of variables....ex. to search the "location" and "interest" fields at the same time?



Re: iframe problem
  • 2007/10/26 17:54

  • jeffgr

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what do you think about this?
  • 2007/10/26 3:13

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

In the development my XOOPS support site, XoopsExperts.com, I am hoping to create directory areas for both XOOPS modules and XOOPS themes. Yes, I know that there are already other official and unofficial repositories for both, but I want to host some on my own site as well, both for the convienience of my visitors, and also because I just don't like the way some other directory sites are organized (too hard to browse through the themes quickly, for example).

I thought that for most of the downloads, I would just provide a screen shot, and then a link to the download site. I wouldn't directly link to the downloaded file, but to the download page that is on instead (so, no direct leaching of files).

1. I wanted to know what module and theme creators would think about this scenario described above.

2. Scenario 2: What about if I hosted the theme and module files myself... is that even legal under the GPL, and just as importantly, how would a module or theme developer consider this scenario?

I am trying to find out what the proper "Xoops etiquette" is here before I take any actions... help me out! :)

Thanks for your thoughts,


What is the latest Wordpress for Xoops Module?
  • 2007/10/25 13:57

  • jeffgr

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I'm a bit confused as to what is the absolutely latest version of WordPress that has been released as a XOOPS module. Is it Xpress 2.04? Wordpress is currently on version 2.3. Does anyone have a more recent version then the 2.04 that they are willing to share?



Re: XHLD Cron, RSS Aggregating,
  • 2007/10/25 0:50

  • jeffgr

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  • Posts: 263

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did you also install the Frameworks package? It needs that to work...I have it working here on several latest 2.0.17 sites...

Re: XHLD Cron, RSS Aggregating,
  • 2007/10/24 20:40

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

what about the Planet module? that has been a great RSS mod in my experience....

Re: Discussion on Xoops goals and motives of Xoopers within Xoops
  • 2007/10/24 20:36

  • jeffgr

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I've made Xoops, for the most part, my CMS of choice, due to ease in which complex sites can be set up in a very rapid timeframe. For anything more complex then a single-user blog or small static web site, I use XOOPS these days.

My motive in the XOOPS community is to encourage the commercial use of XOOPS as an efficient, easily customizable and scalable web solution. I created the web site XoopsExperts.com as a new venue where businesses can quickly find XOOPS developers or technical support. I think that the more the business community adopts Xoops, the more it will grow and continue to develop. XOOPS is good for business, and business is good for Xoops! :)

Re: Size of regional Xoops communities across the world?
  • 2007/10/24 9:14

  • jeffgr

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Thank you for that link Giba, that is indeed a good place to start looking at / counting the number of users in each XOOPS regional support site.

I had another idea on how you could count "general XOOPS sites" in each country (so, any site that was built with Xoops). If you do a Google search like:

".ca/modules/liaise/" site:.ca

(change the .ca to whatever domain extension your country uses, for example, .br)

This search query will show all the sites with that domain extension (.ca in this case) that have an url structure that is typical of XOOPS sites. I used the "liaise" module as well in the query as this is a module that many people use for their contact forms.

Of course, this method of counting XOOPS sites is fraught with issues as well! :) (sites in Canada may be using another domain extension, etc, etc.). But it is an additional way to compile a list of local XOOPS sites.

This could be one way to compare the general number of XOOPS sites in a country however (well, sites that use the liaise module at least). But perhaps from this "sample group", we can get an idea of the size of each community...do you agree?

".ca/modules/liaise/" site:.ca -Google gave 68 results

".br/modules/liaise/" site:.br -Google gave 272 results

".it/modules/liaise/" site:.it -Google gave 99 results

".ca/modules/liaise/" site:.ca -Google gave 68 results

".cn/modules/liaise/" site:.cn -Google gave 8 results

".com/modules/liaise/" site:.com -Google gave 15,200 results

".nl/modules/liaise/" site:.nl -Google gave 101 results

".jp/modules/liaise/" site:.jp -Google gave 791 results

".fr/modules/liaise/" site:.fr -Google gave 270 results

Who knows if this is an accurate sampling of XOOPS sites... but it does provide some interesting results!



Re: Xoops for business: global reach
  • 2007/10/24 9:01

  • jeffgr

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  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Can I answer my own question to start things off? :)

In Canada, where I live, I would say that XOOPS is "somewhere in the middle" when it comes to CMS awareness. Most people interested in having a CMS that I have talked to have heard of Mambo, Joomla and Wordpress ... but are somewhat less familiar with Xoops. On the other hand, there are several web development companies, module creators and XOOPS core team members who live here (spread all around, Canada is a big place!). Freeform Solutions and InboxInternational come to mind as companies that have created large corporate, government and non-profit sites with Xoops. MusiquePlus, kind of like a Quebecquois MTV is a popular site that uses XOOPS as well.

So, I would say that in Canada, while there are some great things being done with Xoops, the software could be much more widely known.

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