Re: Theme Colors Clash with newbb2. Dark words on Dark Background

it was written here a hundred times - why don't you use a MF and developer tool? It's really useful, and powerful extension. With it U will solve the problem in a minute!

may u give s a direct link to the site?

Re: Active menu link hover

yes, U have to add a code lines in your style.css file (in the theme you use).

Re: Anyone have the REALESTATE module?

but did you search on XOOPS website? ;)

Re: How do you remove 'submit news' from News mod main menu?

U must edit xoops_version.php file and find and edit lines:
// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['url'] = "submit.php";
$modversion['sub'][2]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME2;
$modversion['sub'][2]['url'] = "archive.php";

(there are lines 91 and nexts)

Ok. As U can see there's a menu's structure (tree) for news module.
line 91 decripts those code
line 92 turns on module in the menu (module's index page) as a mainMenu link
lines 93-96 turns on these categories - "submit" and "archive" as a submenus.
If U want to delete or deactivate submenu in that way just change that code into:


// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME2;
$modversion['sub'][1]['url'] ="archive.php";

PS after that refresh your news module.

PS PS try using a multiMenu or another link menager for your xoops! it works perfectly

with greatings from Poland

Re: http://www.blantonmotorsports.com/

1. first U have to find and customize a new theme. This one os too cold. Fot that I'll rather see agresive colors like red or yellow (or both of them - or U can use a very clear blue color).
2. Logo - yes I agree with Jensclas! Tis one, U use on your page is ... hmmm what can I say? If U want something similliar to a logo like on that page just give me a word! I'll do it 4 U free.
3. modules? yes - once again I agree with Jensclas - news module U use is owfull! (or is it just a block?).

As U see first find and customise your theme. remember about left and right column "width" defined in the style.css file! (don't use pictures with width wider than those proportions)

Re: Problem with I. explorer

all in the style.css for that style
look in google fo a diferent interpretation of css in IE FF and others.
if U usig pading and margin command not use padding: 10px 10 px etc but: padding-top: 10px, padding-right: 10px; etc etc

Re: Error 406 in "groups & permissions"

I've spend last two nights to solve this problem ...

and I foun it!!!!!
there's no problem with data base!
there's no problem with XOOPS files!
there's no problem with .htacces!

so where it is?
in IE
(look on to down of screen in your IE there must be a "page with restictions" double click on in then change access on cookies to the domain)

my personal way to this great discovery:

1. complete XOOPS instalation (1st XOOPS intalation + 1st db)
2. loged into site
3. there was problem to login into admin site

4. I tryed to work with another db (2nd on other server) - the same problem
5. workinng on another instalation(2nd XOOPS instalation + 1st db - no problem - so the problem was in server (rememer - not only host but domain too)
6. there was no .htacces file, so I created it, tryin allmost everytking with it - vieving, php ver etc - no response
7. checking all directories and files chmods .. everything was ok
8. cleanig 1000 times cache, templates_c folders wrr
9. checking site in firefox, and then! no problems
10. and then I saw it - on the bottom of the IE - site with restriction ...

then step as I wrote on beginning - and there's no problems fellows!


PS on the 4th anniversary ...eh XOOPS BLESS YOU ALL ;)

Re: MyLatinSoulmate - A new latin dating site

Really pretty nice clean theme!

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