Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/2 20:53

  • Bender

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  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10

Note: This is probably not caused by wf-section beta. I just don´t know.

Did anyone else got a server error 500 with this beta?

I installed this beta twice now and both times i got a problem afterwards with an internal server error and Xoops.
But one after another:

First try:
Basic Information: Running XOOPS 2.0.6 with some modules including wf-section 1.01
- uninstalled 1.01
- made sure all tables were dropped from the database
- beta 2.01 on this installation
- did some config settings in wf-section
- created a first section
... no response,
... pressed reload,
... seemed ok
... went back to main page ... boom server error 500
... same for site/admin.php ... user.php and so on
- restored the database from backup
- deleted wf-section module directory
- still not working

Second try:
- deleted the website
- fresh install of XOOPS 2.0.6
- installed wf-section 2.01 beta
- did some configuring
- created several sections
- deleted and changed articles ... all fine
- just accessing my site again ... boom Internal server error 500
- checked the actual error log:
[size=x-small][Sun May 2 22:13:58 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/789/726/sites/mtv/html/admin.php
[Sun May 2 22:14:10 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/789/726/sites/mtv/html/index.php

So i checked those files in the XOOPS root directory and found that
a) the size has changed compared to the original XOOPS package

b) if i do a view file in smartFTP it will show the file in the standard windows editor. Those files now look compressed. Stripped of carriage returns and empty lines ...
(this is not so with another site (xoops2.0.3)

c) if i upload those files like index.php again from a fresh XOOPS 2.0.6 and view them they are shown normal with alle carriage returns and empty lines. And the site/pages is/are working again.

Well now i am left with those observations and additionally the following informations:

- the site (xoops2.0.6) i was using wf-section beta on twice crashed on me (once full site with several modules, once only XOOPS with wf-section beta)

- another site based on XOOPS 2.0.3 didn´t show that (possible) problem with the files within the XOOPS root directory. But i didn´t try to run wf-section there

- problem on provider side: don´t think so. They have a good forum and usually there should be plenty users experiencing problems like this after such time

- server infos: Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 / MySQL 3.23.55

- the time stamp on the mentioned files like index.php, admin.php were still the times when i uploaded the fresh xoops. wf-section was uploaded one hour later so if it would have done something to the files it should be visible.

Anyone got a clue as to what to look for?

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 16:10

  • Bender

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  • Posts: 1899

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stupid mistake in the URL. I was using SmartFTP copy URL function but it seems i misconfigured.
Fixed now.

Sent you a mail containing both files. Just in case.
Have fun.

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 11:43

  • Bender

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  • Posts: 1899

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Rjupiter wrote:
How would I get Liaise_1.0b5 cause the site it is on is down at the mo does anyone have it? I'll look into wfsections is there a version that is not in beta?

Well as there is no email in your profile i just uploaded Liaise to my webspace.
So you can temporarily download it from here.

As for wf-section:
Yes there is an old version 1.01 available.
You can find it here on myxoops.org.

[size=x-small][Edit:] Ooops, just noticed you would have to be registered with the german XOOPS site (http://www.myxoops.org/) if you want to download it there. If you dont want to just drop me your email adress and i will send it to you.[/EDIT][/size]

Although if you can wait a little bit ... i would go with the new version. The old one got some bugs. The new version is nearly completely rewritten, so 1.01 won´t most likely receive any updates anymore.

Discussion of the new (beta) version takes currently place in this thread.

On a sidenote: please keep your subjects informative. Just 'How Do I??' asks to be ignored.

Re: probl with WF General Config access
  • 2004/3/3 21:38

  • Bender

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Damn it!

Would you stop reporting bugs and requesting features???

He´s never gonna release it that way ...


Re: Overwriting corefiles (touches QA)
  • 2004/2/10 17:58

  • Bender

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  • Posts: 1899

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First thing comes to my mind:

Invision Powerboard as a moduleversion for xoops.

For other i have to dig but the thought of my first post always strikes me when i upload a module and my ftp program asks for permission to overwrite a file whatsoever.

Overwriting corefiles (touches QA)
  • 2004/2/9 21:03

  • Bender

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  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10

There is one thing i just don´t get over with.

There are several modules overwriting XOOPS core files. How does this concept work. I mean basicly every module overwriting a corefile would crush other modules which already have overwritten the same corefiles themselves with what they need.

How should someone follow up whats going on?
Running a diff before every installation on every file and add these differences to the existing corefile?
Documention for many modules in this regard is non existent.

I mean there must be some other way, doesn´t it?

I´m no programer, at least the last thing i did was coding a Laserbikes (Tron) game more then 10 years ago in Turbo Pascal 6. :)

For relation to Quality assurance which should start in the future ... will any module overwriting corefiles for that matter pass QA process?

Re: time for a new editor
  • 2004/2/1 23:12

  • Bender

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1) only if support for other browsers is finished except for the living securityhole aka IE.

2) accessing the demo page made my windows ask for the office CD Rom to install stuff. Hmmmm ....

Re: NewBB Forum in XOOPS
  • 2004/2/1 22:03

  • Bender

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10

Hi Team,

this makes me wonder ... have you ever considered asking koudanshi to join the XOOPS team?

I mean he is been doing lots of work with IPB and phpbb for XOOPS for a long time and the results are looking good.

Sometimes people have to be triggered and they don´t come to you.

(Though i don´t know if he would be interested but if so i think he could help you more than just lending a hand)

Just my 0.02 Cents.

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