How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 8:56

  • Rjupiter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2003/1/27

I am setting up a site in which is needed a contact form but not one that has some many fields. Is there any other module out there I can use or is there some way to get rid of some of the filed in the current one?

Also the site has photoshop tutorials but I need a way to display them I have tried the articles, tuttorials and the native sections modules but none really work for me as they require a catergory for the tutorials to be placed in. Is there any module that will allow me to just post all the tutorials/articles on the main page of the module like a list so people can access them from there?

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 9:03

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

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WF-Sections may be ideal for the tutorials..

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 9:12

  • carnuke

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1955

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The Liaise_1.0b5 module is fully customisable. Use this to make your contact forms. Also advanced contact module. I also recommend wf sections. However be a ware that there's a new beta version out at the moment. It's not really intended fore production sites yet.


Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 9:13

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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And try Liaise for the contact module
[edit]Darn, I need faster fingers![/edit]

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 9:39

  • Rjupiter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2003/1/27

How would I get Liaise_1.0b5 cause the site it is on is down at the mo does anyone have it? I'll look into wfsections is there a version that is not in beta?

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 11:43

  • Bender

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2003/3/10


Rjupiter wrote:
How would I get Liaise_1.0b5 cause the site it is on is down at the mo does anyone have it? I'll look into wfsections is there a version that is not in beta?

Well as there is no email in your profile i just uploaded Liaise to my webspace.
So you can temporarily download it from here.

As for wf-section:
Yes there is an old version 1.01 available.
You can find it here on myxoops.org.

[size=x-small][Edit:] Ooops, just noticed you would have to be registered with the german XOOPS site (http://www.myxoops.org/) if you want to download it there. If you dont want to just drop me your email adress and i will send it to you.[/EDIT][/size]

Although if you can wait a little bit ... i would go with the new version. The old one got some bugs. The new version is nearly completely rewritten, so 1.01 won´t most likely receive any updates anymore.

Discussion of the new (beta) version takes currently place in this thread.

On a sidenote: please keep your subjects informative. Just 'How Do I??' asks to be ignored.

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 13:54

  • Rjupiter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2003/1/27


Bender wrote:

Well as there is no email in your profile i just uploaded Liaise to my webspace.
So you can temporarily download it from here.

I tried the link and I get a 404. I would have sworn I had my email in my account. Anyway it is there now but it is rjupiter@sublevel28.com. if you still want to send it to me, Liaise that is.

I will try and wait for the new wfsection but will have to see with the person whos web site it is I am doing thw work for. If she want to wait.

thanx for the help.

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 16:10

  • Bender

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10


stupid mistake in the URL. I was using SmartFTP copy URL function but it seems i misconfigured.
Fixed now.

Sent you a mail containing both files. Just in case.
Have fun.

Re: How Do I??
  • 2004/5/2 16:41

  • Rjupiter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2003/1/27

thanx very much :)


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