I didn't point you to a plug-in earlier, I pointed you to the repository of every plug-in made (well, thats an exageration, but still)
The codex is a repository, you have to look through. The idea was that you would find other useful stuff there as well.
The second link is a link to an actual plug-in since there was no way you could have responded that fast and determined it didn't work

No plug-ins should have to be modified for XPress. XPress is nothing but a shell, the meat is Wordpress. If it works in Wordpress, it works in XPress, period.
I know it seems foregn to you, but treat wordpress as it's own script, literaly. Your blog can be removed from the XOOPS files and moved to an entire new domain and it will still work, well, almost.
The point it that it is a fully working version of Wordpress, not a hack to make it work in xoops.
In fact, I couldn't be more impressed with it's simplicity as a module.
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