Profiles Module 0.90 Beta Released
  • 2006/5/14 1:04

  • hyperpod

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I have released Profiles module for XOOPS 2.0+

I need language files! So if anyone can translate it to their language, post a msg to me to make sure someone else isnt already doing it for your language.

Can anyone help with testing?

I want to make sure there are no bugs and also include some major language files before we get to Profiles 1.0 Final

Click the icon to view more info...

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Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: News Module
  • 2006/5/11 6:49

  • hyperpod

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  • Since: 2004/10/4

Its called a news spotlight.

Search for 'spotlight' and you may find your answer.

Good luck.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Logo Contest- $75.00
  • 2006/5/7 3:24

  • hyperpod

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  • Since: 2004/10/4


Orion74 wrote:

Logo Contest
75.00 dollars to the winner
for more details visit
theatreport.com and click on the contact us link.

We basically want to upgrade our site, as we have yet to actually publicize the site to the general public. To get more people active in our performing arts.


Color Scheme:
Resized Image

It is so nice to see things like this happening!

Best regards,

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: varibles?
  • 2006/5/7 3:21

  • hyperpod

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Very nice reference Bandit-X and kudos to the people at xoops-tips.com (they've always been very good)

I was looking for this earlier...

I noticed it was missing a few like

The tagline for your site as typed into Admin General Settings.

I welcome the day when there is comprehensive XOOPS documentation in one place.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: renaming modules
  • 2006/5/7 3:17

  • hyperpod

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blazin6543 wrote:
is there a way to rename the module folders??? like liaise renamed to contact??? only thing i could think of is edit each file but that could take awhile

That is how to do it... and you have to catch every spot for this including the html templates and code.

Its now always easy either.

Also, as rabideau said, you can simply rename the module in admin | modules if you only want the menu and headings to change, but if you want the URL and folder to change, you will have to hand edit the entire module.

What is it exactly that you would need to change?

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/5/7 0:07

  • hyperpod

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Psychotic_Ca wrote:
Could someone turn this


into a XOOPS mudule?

Very interesting, so this is basically a database specific to comic books, artists, issues, etc... ??

We would simply need to break down the features and also the specific data fields associated with each data type.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How difficult to move Xoops from sub-domain to a new domain
  • 2006/5/3 9:27

  • hyperpod

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This thread explains it, even if you are staying on the same server.


Read the FAQ and the quick tips i posted to get the idea.

Make sure you back up the database and the files before starting.

Hope it helps.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Changing Hosts
  • 2006/5/2 19:25

  • hyperpod

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Make sure you read the FAQ that answers your question, of course.

and pay special attention to the paths in the mainfile.php

make sure you update these with the proper settings of your new host:

// XOOPS Physical Path
// Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', 'var/www/html/yourURL.com/yourxoopsfolder');

// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.yourURL.com/yourxoopsfolder');

Basic summary of moving a XOOPS site:

1. Backup database structure and data into an sql file.
2. Backup all files of your XOOPS site.
3. Import the backed up SQL file into a new database at your new host.
4. copy the files into your new host from the files backup you did in step 2
5. Make sure path settings match in mainfile.php to those of your new host.
6. Make sure the files on your new host are looking at the new database (this is also in mainfile.php)
7. Test it all to make sure its good.

Thats just the quick steps to moving your XOOPS site to a new host.

Remember to also read the FAQ linked earlier in this thread to address any other issues you might have.

Hope that helps,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Hosted images gallery ?
  • 2006/5/1 0:19

  • hyperpod

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I dont know of one that can do that, but its a good idea, if it doesnt already exist.

I havent used all the gallery modules, but my guess is this hasnt been done yet.

I could be wrong. maybe one of the gallery modules can actually handle remote images.

You should test some of the gallery modules out for this specific functionality.


Good luck to ya!

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How do I Set Default Xoops Contact Module Permissions for Anonymous user?
  • 2006/5/1 0:15

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

You simply need to go do this:

Go into XOOPS Admin
Click Groups
Select Modify Anonymous Users
make sure the check box next to Contact under Module Access Rights.

Then of course to test it (as you know):

and then you will see that you can see the Contact module as an anonymous user.

Hope that helps!

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

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