Registering users, please help/advise

I asked a similar question only to discover that anonymous users are shown an opportunity to register. They never get told what to do next. So, here is what would help. A little bit more of an invitation to register. Second a way of managing how I'll be notified or how new users will be accepted, idealy by confirming an email. Where do I set this up? Or how do I do that? Surely we must have a way to decide how members join/register and it seems to me that I read somewhere about just this very issue.
Then is there a block or module that would alert new visitors to waht they should do as it sometimes is unclear. I had to step one person through the process saying click on register. I inivited others to join and would have expected some of them to join but no one is pending membership. Please help.

Re: Blocks with images - Please help!

I posted earlier but got no reply yet. I know that there surely is a way to add a image from a remote site to one's site. You put your code into a custom block, right? and if it calls an image from elsewhere shouldn't that work out ok? shouldn't that allow one to show the image? Unfortunately that is not the case for me. I might even want to add the Paypal logo adjacent to the forum but if it is to be referenced as local then how do reference it in the code? In other words, normally on a server one can just add a reference to images/somepic.gif and the picture can be referenced and displayed. But in this folder structure how does one do that? do I upload it into the XOOPS folder directory and then reference it locally? If so that might work in many instances but not when one needs to refernce an image that changes over time, such as a roting banner.

Blocks with images - pics that don't appear

I found a site that had a promotional banner that one could put on a web page of their own. I thought, "why not place it on the XOOOPS community forum that I have" There were a couple different selections to use for the presentation of the content which included different banners or images. However, none of them displayed the image that was over on the remote page. I could copy the image to my site and upload it, or so I thought. But that didn't work either. Perhaps I should have changed the link to include the image locally. How do I do that? Can an image/banner/pic be added in a block if the image is located elsewhere? This would be a relevant question for banners that rotate the content. If there is a different approach to use, please let me know.

Removing error listing re: modules - please help

I tried out a few of the 3rd party modules that I found and they looked interesting. I uploaded some to the wrong place. So, now when I go to System Admin and select Modules I get a list at the bottom that details various errors. For example I have a listing for Popnupblog that shows on the list but while navigating and after deleting it from the server I get this notice that the module isn't available.
1) So, is there a way to un-install a module?
2) Is there an easy to use blog I might want to use?
This one when it was added seaminly correctly, gave me a parse error on the index.php page.
3) How do I remove all those errors at the bottom of the Administration area on the Modules page for 3rd party modules that I happened to upload incorrectly?
4) The lycos synication newsfeed did seem to be a good addition to add but that one gave me a parse error as well. I should be able to support modules for version 2.02 and as a matter of fact some 3rd party modules with that requirement are showing up ok.
Please advise.
For reference site ishttp://wordsalad.net/CognitiveContent/

Re: Any built-in Xoops support for displaying RSS feeds?

What I do is go tohttp://www.syndic8.com and do a search for certain keywords. When I find a feed I want the information is there when I click on the feed. It will say the web url, the dataurl which is the feed, and the title. From there I go to Administration Menu then System Admin on the left and click on Modules. From there I click on Headlines. I scroll down to Add a Headline. That is where I fill in the details from the pagehttp://www.syndic8.com One thing I just discovered was that when you search on a term and do come up with a list of results, you have to click on the left most link for the newsfeed id to get the details you need. Clicking on the name of the feed the next over, does nothing, the xml link brings up a page that on my browser just says it cannot load.
I feel so new to this myself that I'm surprised to be able to offer any help. I did stumble on the page syndic8.com after installing the module My Headlines that is a 3rd party module. Ironically that module has it's own database and instructions on how to load it. So, why we need this page for that module, I don't know. If anything I said here can be clarrified or ammeneded please feel free to do so as I accept the status of newbie still.
I did just add the feed for the Official blog of John Kerry for president, I'll have to see how it appears. I have the XOOPS newsfeed that appears by default on the page and another one that appears with no list of menu items. I'm kinda feeling I did something somewhat incorrect here.

Problems with a newsfeed that is based on pics.

Hi all,
I subscribed to a newsfeed, which is actually based on news related photographs. In viewing it, the pictures do not appear. I think the problem might be that the space available for the listing is too small. When I originally viewed the newsfeed that I wanted to add, it was wider and the pictures were wider than one column out of the 5 available on the site pages. Can this be accomodated? Can a module span more than one column or have a specified width? If so how is that done?

Secondly, with the Headlines that I am adding either from the plug-in called My Headlines or from the Headlines Module, how might one use 'Sections' as that is a bit unclear. While I was adding subscriptions I made a few mistakes because I was just figuring things out, but at one point I ended up creating a section. Forgive my ignorance but how and when would one use a "section?"
In some ways this reminds me of using QuarkXpress in that all content exists within a text or graphic box in QuarkXpress. However, it seems that in XOOPS modules appear differently. With a block one can specify it's placement, left column, right, or one of the three middle columns. This control does not seem to have a parallel for modules where one could specify the block where the contents appear, based on one of 5 columns. Or am I overlooking something?

Blog questions clarriffications.

A few things come to mind that are a bit unclear here. First question is with regard to the News Module, is that XOOPS closest thing to a blog? It does appear to be a blog of sorts.
Second, if so, I can set it up so that any registered member can submit entirely new stories for placement on the site, correct? where I'd specify how much control I wanted over the posting of ongoing discussion in such a story? The goal is this and maybe there is a third party plug-in to meet this need... I'd like to allow multiple blogs/stories to be posted by registered users and allow these to be ongoing or followed by one article after another daily or intermittently. So, for example say I was about to run for president and wanted a blog for that campaign, similr to John Kerry for President's blog. Then maybe I have registered user john smith who wants a blog for his reporting on poverty in his community. In each case I or a blogger may or may not want to allow comments or contributors to the blog.
Am I on the right track here? Is the News Module something that can serve as a blog? Is there a better one out htere that is a third party option that would be worth considering? I'm sure there must be a way to do this and the News Module seems to be of the form of a blog. That's what I want, multiple blogs, each based on different topics, and control by me or a registered user as to whether others can contribute or not to the blog.
I'm anxious to get feedback on this as I'd like to get a good feel for this concept or News and how it is intended to be used. I distinguish this from the Headlines module which actually can have newsfeeds that are blogs.
Thanks in advance,

Re: New users to a community?

I think I overlooked the obvious though this was helpful. I noticed that when an anonymous visitor comes to the site it already does display the request to register. So, I didn't need to create a custom block.

Anyway, for visitors to my communit that may not know what different modules mean, such as Stories, News, Headlines, etc. does anyone have any example sites of how they have presented that for the newly registered and the anonymous visitors. I wouldn't mind some links to review on some sites. I plan to use this on a number of sites, one being my high school alumni web site. While it may not be hard to refer people with a link saying, when you get the site, and if you are an alumni, please register. But for the newly registered they won't know what the modules mean or what is there. So, I have a few options, one, change the buttons, if possible that link to News, Headlines, etc. or two include a block that doesn't waste too much space that just overviews the different links, modules, blocks.
So, if someone can recommend a good site to check out that addresses this, please post the link.

tjnemez wrote:
after you login in as admin go to administration menu -> system admin, from menu selectect blocks. once in blocks screen scroll down until you see "Add a new block"
so okay you can specify where as in left or right or center and so on.

Re: Was: New users to a community?

Yeah, I visited the XOOPS headline module but I didn't notice any particulars on finding news feeds or adding them to a site. The newsfeeds I added recently don't seem to be doing much. So, I'm not sure how good they are specified. The only one that has a list of headlines is the one for XOOPS that seems to have come with the program or application. I'll have to look around more with the headlines module. I guess I do that specifically from my site or I could look at the documentation to the left here to see if any more light can be shed on the issue. I donwloaded the link you gave me, now to see if it helps me actually find newsfeeds and add them to my site.

Was: New users to a community?

Thanks that did it. However, I did find it unresponsive to changes in the font, color, size etc. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but I selected edit and then looking at the text block I selected some text and changed the font, the size and color. I then went and looked at the site that an anonymous user sees and it was unchanged, after I submitted my change.
So, now I added a newsfeed to the Headlines just to see if I had that figured out. So, I'm subscribed to some groups on Bloglines. I forget how I found that, probably after searching on the terms rss newsfeeds and atom. I took one subscription and by holding my mouse over the feed link I could get the web site and the feed. If I clicked on the link for the feed, the browser would not display anything.
I'd like to find some feeds for writers, artists, poets, and a few jokes, etc. I also like keeping up with technology news so that is cool to have. I asked this earlier but it seems like there might be a better way to get the news feeds. Is there a site that will list a good selection of feeds?
Oh, a few other quick questions. Is a Module something that everyone sees? meaning the anonymous visitor and the registered as well as webmaster, or do I need to setup permissions and display options for each type of user as to what the site will look like? It's cool that the block doesn't appear for registered users as it is not needed, to ask them to register. I'm guessing here that if 3 center columns are permitted then the size of each block is going to shrink in width as I add more, is that correct? I don't need to add a block to set a place for a module do I?
I guess I should have numbered these questions. It's good to have help and a CMS that is actually useful and well designed in terms of how to understand what is there. I looked at other CMS systems as a compete newbie and was left wondering what does this mean? and I do consider myself rather intelligent and able to figure things out, if people would design and describe things better.
I'd really appreciate some leads on adding some news feeds, atom and rss. thanks,
http://wordsalad.net/CognitiveContent/ - my XOOPS site.

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