  • 2002/7/18 23:49

  • smackdaddy

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  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2002/3/28

In another message, w4z004 stated:

Re: Flash banners in XOOPS ??
Use the phpadsnew module.
A professional banner module.

Since I did not want to go off-topic in the other thread, I am asking it here....

w4z004 (or anyone else), how do we get phpAdsNew to work with Xoops? I thought there was an issue with counting links and such with XOOPS and external ad management programs? Or am I mistaken?

I am developing a site which would greatly benefit from the extra features of phpAdsNew, but don't know how to get it to work with Xoops.....

Any help would be appreciated.....
Thanks in advance.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/17 22:27

  • danyblue

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

in a certain way I disagree with you. The purpose of a CMS is to make more easy the task of building and mantaining a website and its content.
Content is what you put inside the system, so what is the purpose of having 5,6 or 7 disctint modules to do that? I would create just one unique system sufficiently flexible to be configured to my needs. Is why i am saying that news/sections/nsections/freecontent/wysiwyg to be merged in one XOOPS Main Interface that could be keep in a better/control way.


Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/17 21:17

  • jackt

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  • Since: 2002/6/2 2

Well i think freecontent and the sections modules do different things. So I don't think they should be integrated. But a new or better wysiwyg editor wouldn't really be on a per module basis, but a replacement of the editor in the class files (if that's where it resides, I don't know. At least it should be.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/17 9:00

  • danyblue

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

yes it works fine, i didn't have any problem installing it and using it.
I will now translate it to portuguese in order to have ti working definitvly.
The result can be seen in

Sorrry for the poor formatting, but i am still trying to figure out the best approach to format correctly a newspaper in Xoops.

One last suggestion, wouldn't it be more valuable to integrate all the sections/freecontent/wysigeditor/news in just one project with several member working on it? Like some kind of subproject of Xoops?
I am saying that because every one of them as functionalities that would be fine for a module.

Sorry but i have seen that there is no annoymous access to the information, how can i change it in order to be accessible by anonynous users?

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/17 0:17

  • jackt

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  • Since: 2002/6/2 2

Hi, it's not my module, it's Haruki's. I just hacked it a little. But his module does support pagebreaks, just read the readme file included.

Please read before using any hacks from this forum !!
  • 2002/7/16 21:15

  • Boobtoob

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Please feel free to share your hacks with the rest of the XOOPS community. Please be advised that if you use these hacks that it could break forward comapatibility with future XOOPS versions. We only recommend using hacks from this forum if your an experienced PHP/XOOPS hacker.

Please give a good explination of the hack so that everyone can understand what the hack is for/about.


Please read before using these hacks !!
  • 2002/7/16 21:09

  • Boobtoob

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2001/12/22

Please feel free to share you hacks with the rest of the XOOPS community. Please be advised that if you use these hacks that it could break forward comapatibility with future XOOPS versions. We only recommend using hacks from this forum if your an experienced PHP/XOOPS hacker.

Please give a good explination of the hack so that everyone can understand what the hack is for/about.


Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/16 12:47

  • danyblue

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

Hi jackt,

you are module is working fine, i have been able to post my content the way i wanted.
Does your module support [pagebreak]?


Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/16 10:48

  • jackt

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  • Posts: 31

  • Since: 2002/6/2 2

Well.. this line..

$text =preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/","
", $text);

on display, text sanitizer will not replace all line breaks with
tags. So if you say post a news article it wont output any line breaks submit.

The line you added removes all
tags. So there will never be any line breaks in anything you post. At least none will be output. Basically text sanitizer converts line breaks into
and then your line deletes that
and all others. By default
isn't in the "allowed html" anyways, but I added it to my XOOPS config.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do. I'll assume you're posting html into the textarea and it's coming out with a lot of
tags ruining your formatting. Well what you did will prevent ANY line breaks from being displayed that goes thru text sanitizer, which accounts for just about (if not) all XOOPS modules that come packaged with xoops.

I've hacked up Haruki's wfsection module to include a switch to Enable Line Break Filtering on display. So when you check it, the script will filter out any line breaks in your code before it runs thru text sanitizer. This may solve your line break problem, but text sanitizer will still check for "allowed html". So if you're using any weird tags it still might cause you problems.. I'll add a checkbox to disable html, smilies and forum codes a little later. You can try this hacked up wfsections module here:


I'd suggest you try it out before using it in production environment.. I'll take no responsibility if anything blows up tho it shouldn't.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/16 9:27

  • danyblue

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  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

I have found the function textsanitizer, which for me a non programmer was quite difficult.
I have been trying, from the explainations above, where could the problem be, in order to see if I could do something.
I have found the function where the problem might be,
function oopsNl2Br($text) {

$text =preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/","
", $text);

And i have tried several things that i have search on the net.
the first one was

$text = str_replace("
", "","$text");
Which i think is replacing every
by a space character, which would be the same thing than having nothing.
SO i commented the function also to see what happen, and it's work.
SO i would like to know what would be the implication of leting it that way, since it is working for me, will I be seing problems in other places?



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