Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/11 0:21

  • destrux

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2002/6/3 1

We are currently in the process of making a list of all the existing bugs in these two releases so we can eliminate them in the next RC of Xoops. So if you think you have found a bug in the core coding, the downloads module, the links module, the xoopspolls module, the banners module, the xoopsfaq module, the memberlist module, and any of the blocks relating to those please report them to me via PM or email (xoops@destrux.com). Or you can just post a reply here but I'd rather you send the reply directly to me. Remember that we just want the bugs for the previously listed things, nothing else.

When you send me your report please tell me what exactly happened, your servers php version #, your servers MySQL version #, and your servers OS. We appreciate your cooperation and participation as we try to make XOOPS a better product .

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/29 8:21

  • lubdub

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 64

  • Since: 2002/2/28

This was probably hanging around for a long time, it's not completely a XOOPS bug, but some "joint problem":
I use Mozilla 1.1a, which has a password manager, to keep track of usernames and passwords, somehow like IE does. Now, I made it remember my name for my XOOPS site.
The problem is: if I don't watch enough, when I'm changing the details of some user, it replaces the username in the fields with MY name, and saves it without a complaint from xoops. Thus, I have 2 users with my name and can't login anymore (luckily, I have some direct db access on my provider's host). As far as I can tell, XOOPS checks, when a new user registers, that the login isn't already used. I think it should be the case also when modifying a user.


Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/29 11:28

  • Jan304

  • Official Support Member

  • Posts: 520

  • Since: 2002/3/31

Idd good idea. But, in normal cases you don't have to chance users details . I personal surf with Mozilla and IE because some sites really look UGLY in Mozilla, then I need IE. But, I've put that function on off, because it's almost every time suggesting the wrong things. But ok , just me thinking...

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/30 8:20

  • lubdub

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 64

  • Since: 2002/2/28

I work with Linux, so, no chance (!) to use IE, I might finally turn that feature of Mozilla off, but I guess a check from XOOPS would be more secure and not very costly.


Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/30 9:15

  • finalfiler

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 111

  • Since: 2002/1/19


lubdub wrote:
The problem is: if I don't watch enough, when I'm changing the details of some user, it replaces the username in the fields with MY name, and saves it without a complaint from xoops. Thus, I have 2 users with my name and can't login anymore (luckily, I have some direct db access on my provider's host). As far as I can tell, XOOPS checks, when a new user registers, that the login isn't already used. I think it should be the case also when modifying a user.

I get that! And I thought I was doing something stupid.

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/30 9:16

  • finalfiler

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 111

  • Since: 2002/1/19


finalfiler wrote:
I get that! And I thought I was doing something stupid.

I should rephrase that- I'm always doing something stupid.

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/30 11:51

  • ossi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2002/9/9 1

yes! Please do something about the neverending cocckie / firewall problem - loosing users on site due to loginproblems.

Then I find a hack to this problem on the site - and the moderator of that forum is just answering *we cant recomend it, due to security issues*

Well what then

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2002/10/30 15:21

  • Bazus

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2002/9/23

The situation is that many people these days are using certain type of security reflected as a firewall, a popup blocker, turning on security flags in their browsers, etc..

For many of us who use a light firewall like zone alarm, is anoying at the beggining not knowing that this program has to be tuned-up 'manually' in order to access the XOOPS site. And if any user of the site is using other type of proxy is hard to advice them what to do.

Most of the sites that uses cookies to remembers the name/password in IE don't have that problem with my zone alarm.. So I don't see why XOOPS should be different..

any thoughts on this ?

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users
  • 2003/3/4 22:41

  • ndial

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/3/3 1

What is RC3.0.4 and RC3.0.5? I thought RC stood for "Release Candidate" and was only incremented in integers, sort of like alpha and beta releases. Just curious. XOOPS 2.0 is still at RC2, right?

Re: Attention Xoops RC3.0.4/3.0.5 Users

Yes, you are correct. This thread (which is old) refers to XOOPS 1.3.4 and 1.3.5. My goodness, even the 1.3 series is at 1.3.8 now. So this is a old thread and you need not worry.

(There will be a XOOPS 2 RC3 at a future date, but not yet... and, that's not what this is referencing.)


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