Re: XoopsGallery comments error
  • 2003/4/29 19:05

  • gstarrett

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 174

  • Since: 2002/3/12

Thanks for looking into this. I took a look at the fix and it only partially corrects the problem. The post_comment.php now looks only to the GET query for the information, but not to POST query. When you post a new comment, the $commentnav "post comment" button is a POST query to the comments form and therefore the values aren't passed properly.

$extra_params .= isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$extra_param]) ? $extra_param.'='.$HTTP_POST_VARS[$extra_param].'&' : isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$extra_param]) ? $extra_param.'='.$HTTP_GET_VARS[$extra_param].'&' $extra_param.'=&';

Would something like that do the trick? Probably better to seperate into a seperate utility sub.

function GetGPLVar($param) {
    if isset(
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) {
    } elseif isset(
$HTTP_GET_VARS[$param]) {
    } else {
        return isset(${
$param}) ? ${$param} : ''

$extra_params .= $extra_param.'='.GetGPLVar($extra_param).'&'


I know there's a more appropriate place for something like this, but I'm not familiar enough with XOOPS core yet to even guess. Also please pardon my hack|buggy PHP coding, I don't have time to properly test the code now or look up the XOOPS coding standards.

Thanks for all the great work.

do this (pt. III - assigning permissions)
  • 2003/4/29 19:04

  • mbogosian

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2002/9/30

Part III: assigning permissions

1. Log phpMyAdmin. You should be presented with a list of operations under the heading MySQL. If you're not, follow the Home link (in the upper left corner). You should see something like this:

Create new database [Documentation]
|______________| Create

Show MySQL runtime information [Documentation]
Show MySQL system variables [Documentation]
Show processes [Documentation]
Reload MySQL [Documentation]
Users [Documentation]
Databases statistics
Change password
Log out (*)

If you do not see this, then ask your system administrator how to get to this page. Better yet, ask your system administrator to create the DB for you.

2. Provided you're looking at this page, follow the Users link. You should be presented with a list of existing users (including the one you created during part II).

3. To the left of the xoops user, there should be three links. Click on Grants. If you followed the steps in part II exactly, you should be taken to a screen called Host % - User xoops which contains a form to set privileges. If you received and error or if you do not see this screen, contact your system administrator to help you.

4. In the form, select "Database (*) :" and select the xoops database that you created from part I from the drop-down. Select "Any table" and "Any Column". In the "Privileges :" section, make sure only the following are checked:

Select Insert
Update Delete
Create Drop
Index Alter

When this is done, click the "Go" button. You should see a screen that says:

You have added a new privilege..
Remember reload the server.

Note: if you did not reload MySQL in part II, then this step will not work.

5. Go back to the main screen (follow the Home link in the upper left corner), and click on the Reload MySQL link. You should see a message that says:

MySQL reloaded.

If you got this far, congratulations, you've now assigned the permissions to the user. Now you can set up XOOPS (see part IV: setting up XOOPS).

By the way, everything I have outlined here so far is in the MySQL documentation available online.

do this (pt. II - creating the user)
  • 2003/4/29 18:46

  • mbogosian

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2002/9/30

Part II: creating the user

1. Log phpMyAdmin. You should be presented with a list of operations under the heading MySQL. If you're not, follow the Home link (in the upper left corner). You should see something like this:

Create new database [Documentation]
|______________| Create

Show MySQL runtime information [Documentation]
Show MySQL system variables [Documentation]
Show processes [Documentation]
Reload MySQL [Documentation]
Users [Documentation]
Databases statistics
Change password
Log out (*)

If you do not see this, then ask your system administrator how to get to this page. Better yet, ask your system administrator to create the DB for you.

2. Provided you're looking at this page, follow the Users link. You should be presented with a list of existing users as well as a form at the bottom to create a new user.

3. In the new user form, make sure "Any host" is selected (you can change this later, but for now we want to make sure you can connect). Make sure "User name :" is selected and enter in "xoops" as the user name. Make sure "Password :" is selected and enter in and confirm your password (it can be anything, just make sure it's reasonably hard to guess and make sure you remember it for later). In the "Privileges :" section, make sure all the privileges are unchecked (click on Uncheck All). And finally, click the Go button.

If there was an error, contact your system administrator. You should see a screen that says:

You have added a new user.
Remember reload the server.

4. Go back to the main screen (follow the Home link in the upper left corner), and click on the Reload MySQL link. You should see a message that says:

MySQL reloaded.

If you got this far, congratulations, you've now created a user. However, you still need to assign the appropriate permissions (see part III: assigning permissions).

do this (pt. I - creating the database)
  • 2003/4/29 18:34

  • mbogosian

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 53

  • Since: 2002/9/30

Part I: creating the database

1. Log phpMyAdmin. You should be presented with a list of operations under the heading MySQL. If you're not, follow the Home link (in the upper left corner). You should see something like this:

Create new database [Documentation]
|______________| Create

Show MySQL runtime information [Documentation]
Show MySQL system variables [Documentation]
Show processes [Documentation]
Reload MySQL [Documentation]
Users [Documentation]
Databases statistics
Change password
Log out (*)

If you do not see this, then ask your system administrator how to get to this page. Better yet, ask your system administrator to create the DB for you.

2. Provided you're looking at this page, you'll want to create a new database. Enter "xoops" into the text field next and click the Create button.

3. The database should now be created and you should be presented with a screen that looks something like:

Database XOOPS running on ********
Database XOOPS has been created.

_| Structure |__| SQL |__| Export |__| Search |__| Drop |_

No tables found in database.

If you received and error instead, or if you do not see this screen, contact your system administrator to help you.

Provided everything went well, congratulations, you've now created a database. However, you will not be able to access it until you create a user and permissions (see Part II: creating the user).

Just one user gets error 013 database ?
  • 2003/4/29 17:49

  • mike-h

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2002/8/7 6

Thought site was running ok,after many updates testing and all that

Though have one user, who can view site ok
However whenever he trieds to do something like guestbook entry or post a vote in weblinks he gets a error messahe
0013 which i believe is

Error Code: 0013 ERROR: Could not query the database

any ideas on why ? and if possible advice

site on linux 4.1.x php
xoops r2.02

user msie 6 aol

many thanks

Re: Database problem
  • 2003/4/29 17:09

  • TitaNs

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2003/4/11

help me?

Re: remembering logins?
  • 2003/4/28 22:44

  • Hapko3

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2003/4/1 1


Re: XoopsGallery comments error
  • 2003/4/28 16:56

  • onokazu

  • XOOPS Founder

  • Posts: 617

  • Since: 2001/12/13

This has been fixed on CVS. You can download the fixed file here.

Re: PostNuke to XOOPS conversion
  • 2003/4/28 11:59

  • ryana

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2003/2/9 6

This function Quote:
// Do the users table - exclude any user that would overwrite XOOPS admin's
function BuildUserTable() {
global $fromdb, $todb;
//$altertable="ALTER TABLE `boardjive_users` CHANGE `pn_user_regdate` `pn_user_regdate` TIMESTAMP";
//$result = mysql_query($altertable);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$todb.".xoops_users (uid, name, uname, email, url, user_avatar, user_regdate, user_icq, user_from, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, pass, user_intrest, user_occ)
SELECT pn_uid, pn_name, pn_uname, pn_email, pn_url, pn_user_avatar, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) as pn_user_regdate, pn_user_icq, pn_user_from, pn_user_sig, pn_user_viewemail, pn_user_aim, pn_user_yim, pn_user_msnm, pn_pass, pn_user_intrest, pn_user_occ
FROM ".$fromdb.".boardjive_users";
// WHERE ".$fromdb.".pn_users.uid <> '110'";
DoTable($delete, $sql, $tbname);
//echo $sql;

...would seems to indicate that inserting postnuke.pn_pass into xoops.pass will work without any problems. That's what I needed to know. Thanks!

Re: PostNuke to XOOPS conversion
  • 2003/4/28 11:17

  • chapi

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 611

  • Since: 2002/1/22

You can download the Conversion Template from Boobtoob here:


This was built for converting data from Postnuke 7.1x to XOOPS 3.0x. But maybe it is a good starting point for you.


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