Re: Which editor do you use ?
  • 2019/12/12 5:54

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11377

  • Since: 2004/4/23

PhpStorm is the best ever!
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Which editor do you use ?
  • 2019/12/12 2:02

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 530

  • Since: 2003/6/20

i usually use notepad++]Resized Image
to edit all xoops files (tpl, php, css).
I just try the atom editor https://atom.io/Resized Image
I know sublime text but it's not free.
Please, let me know wich editor do you use, and why (list advantages and inconvenients).
Is there any editor with XOOPS plugin language (smarty and others xoops words) ?

Re: Upgrade problem going from 2.3.3 to 2.5.10
  • 2019/12/11 21:49

  • Dhurgan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2004/2/11

Hacks might be a problem, I have disabled all modules but the System one.
The databases are, as you said, more or less identical, I noticed the change in password size... but figured that could not cause such a stop

At the moment I have made a fresh install of Xoops and is looking to see if I can populate it with the data from the old one in some manner, i can code so importing data from one and moving it over to the other should be ok if it needs some converting, but so far it looks to be ok

It simply wont get past that step in the process, but if there is a protector hack that might block it... then I need to figure that one out

Where is the header links ?
  • 2019/12/11 17:48

  • neo75

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2010/4/28

Hello, I would like to know where are the links generated by the smarty <{$ xoops_module_header}>
When I display the source code in my browser I have links :

<script src="https://www.mysite.com/include/xoops.js" type="text/javascript">script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.mysite.com/language/french/style.css" type="text/css" />

which appears they are defined in which files.

Please, help me for several days that I am looking for in all files !

Re: Really stupid php / sql problem
  • 2019/12/11 15:48

  • rossb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2006/8/28

Here's the EXACT code that is failing:

public static function getUsersFromGroup($groupId)


/** @var XoopsMemberHandler $memberHandler */

$memberHandler xoops_getHandler('member');

file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"memberHandler: " print_r($memberHandler,true) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);

$users         $memberHandler->getUsersByGroup($groupIdtrue);

file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"users: " print_r($users,true) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);




     * Retourne la liste des emails des utilisateurs membres d'un groupe


     * @param $groupId

     * @return array Emails list

     * @internal param int $group_id Group's number


public static function getEmailsFromGroup($groupId)


$ret = [];

file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"groupId: " print_r($groupId) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);

$member_handler xoops_getHandler('member');

$user_ids = static::getUsersFromGroup($groupId);

file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"users_ids: " print_r($user_ids,true) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);

        foreach (
$user_ids as $user_id) {

//$user = $member_handler->getUser($user_id);

$user $member_handler->getUsers(nulltrue);

$ret[] = $user->getVar('email');


file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"ret: " .  print_r($ret,true) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);



Re: Really stupid php / sql problem
  • 2019/12/11 13:55

  • rossb

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2006/8/28

Further info:

Appears to be sql errors; despite the fact that queries execute OK from command line.
Previously (code above), ALL sql queries returned no results and, did not appear in transaction log.
And, yes, phpmyadmin reports db as "clean"

Really simple testcase (dump the class):
I researched this and error is commonly caused by:
sql: max_allowed_packet (I use 16M, nowhere near hitting this limit)
sql: wait_timeout, interactive_timeout (I use 28800, nowhere near hitting this limit)
running outa memory:
free -h
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1.9G 1.8G 140M 60K 45M 495M
-/+ buffers/cache: 1.3G 681M
Swap: 3.9G 115M 3.8G

$member_handler xoops_getHandler('member');

file_put_contents(OLEDRION_GATEWAY_LOG_PATH"users_ids: " print_r($user_ids,true) . "n"FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX);

memberHandlerXoopsMemberHandler Object


groupHandler:protected] => XoopsGroupHandler Object


table] => xoops_groups

[db] => XoopsMySQLDatabaseProxy Object


conn] => mysqli Object


affected_rows] => -1

[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev 20120503 $Id76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $

client_version] => 50011

[connect_errno] => 0

[connect_error] => 

errno] => 2006

[error] => MySQL server has gone away

[error_list] => Array


0] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


1] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away



field_count] => 0

[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket

[info] => Rows matched1  Changed1  Warnings0

[insert_id] => 0

[server_info] => 5.5.60-log

[server_version] => 50560

[stat] => 

sqlstate] => HY000

[protocol_version] => 10

[thread_id] => 2346

[warning_count] => 0


prefix] => xoops

[logger] => XoopsLogger Object


queries] => Array


0] => Array



[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00029397010803223


1] => Array


sql] => SELECT FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '0' AND conf_catid '1'ORDER BY conf_order ASC

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.0035851001739502


2] => Array


sql] => SELECT sess_datasess_ip FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id '3l1hmfs01p6f82lu11uk0tmgk1'

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00056004524230957



blocks] => Array



extra] => Array



logstart] => Array


XOOPS] => 1576070405.709

[XOOPS Boot] => 1576070405.709


logend] => Array


query_time] => 1576070405.7597


errors] => Array



deprecated] => Array



usePopup] => 

activated] => 

renderingEnabled] => 1


allowWebChanges] => 1



userHandler:protected] => XoopsUserHandler Object


handler] => 

handlers] => Array


read] => 

stats] => 

joint] => 

write] => 

sync] => 


table] => xoops_users

[keyName] => uid

[className] => XoopsUser

[identifierName] => uname

[field_link] => 

field_object] => 

db] => XoopsMySQLDatabaseProxy Object


conn] => mysqli Object


affected_rows] => -1

[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev 20120503 $Id76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $

client_version] => 50011

[connect_errno] => 0

[connect_error] => 

errno] => 2006

[error] => MySQL server has gone away

[error_list] => Array


0] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


1] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


2] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away



field_count] => 0

[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket

[info] => Rows matched1  Changed1  Warnings0

[insert_id] => 0

[server_info] => 5.5.60-log

[server_version] => 50560

[stat] => 

sqlstate] => HY000

[protocol_version] => 10

[thread_id] => 2346

[warning_count] => 0


prefix] => xoops

[logger] => XoopsLogger Object


queries] => Array


0] => Array



[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00029397010803223


1] => Array


sql] => SELECT FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '0' AND conf_catid '1'ORDER BY conf_order ASC

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.0035851001739502


2] => Array


sql] => SELECT sess_datasess_ip FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id '3l1hmfs01p6f82lu11uk0tmgk1'

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00056004524230957



blocks] => Array



extra] => Array



logstart] => Array


XOOPS] => 1576070405.709

[XOOPS Boot] => 1576070405.709


logend] => Array


query_time] => 1576070405.7597


errors] => Array



deprecated] => Array



usePopup] => 

activated] => 

renderingEnabled] => 1


allowWebChanges] => 1



membershipHandler:protected] => XoopsMembershipHandler Object


table] => xoops_groups_users_link

[db] => XoopsMySQLDatabaseProxy Object


conn] => mysqli Object


affected_rows] => -1

[client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev 20120503 $Id76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $

client_version] => 50011

[connect_errno] => 0

[connect_error] => 

errno] => 2006

[error] => MySQL server has gone away

[error_list] => Array


0] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


1] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


2] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away


3] => Array


errno] => 2006

[sqlstate] => HY000

[error] => MySQL server has gone away



field_count] => 0

[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket

[info] => Rows matched1  Changed1  Warnings0

[insert_id] => 0

[server_info] => 5.5.60-log

[server_version] => 50560

[stat] => 

sqlstate] => HY000

[protocol_version] => 10

[thread_id] => 2346

[warning_count] => 0


prefix] => xoops

[logger] => XoopsLogger Object


queries] => Array


0] => Array



[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00029397010803223


1] => Array


sql] => SELECT FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid '0' AND conf_catid '1'ORDER BY conf_order ASC

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.0035851001739502


2] => Array


sql] => SELECT sess_datasess_ip FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id '3l1hmfs01p6f82lu11uk0tmgk1'

[error] => 

errno] => 

query_time] => 0.00056004524230957



blocks] => Array



extra] => Array



logstart] => Array


XOOPS] => 1576070405.709

[XOOPS Boot] => 1576070405.709


logend] => Array


query_time] => 1576070405.7597


errors] => Array



deprecated] => Array



usePopup] => 

activated] => 

renderingEnabled] => 1


allowWebChanges] => 1



membersWorkingList:protected] => Array




What I don't get is why simply instantiating $member_handler = xoops_getHandler('member'); results in errors.

I also have issues with new members being unable to register - keeps returning to basic registration page.

I have spent way too much time on this and am considering giving up on oledrion and finding a non-xoops e-commerce solution.

Anyone care to assist debugging? May involve sshing in.


Re: A fixed nl2Br -- no more extra white space
  • 2019/12/10 14:02

  • moss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2009/10/28


I have Xoops 2.5.9 and I have this issue with table... I tried to play with module.textsanitizer.php and function nl2Br($text) but it doesn't work.

Can I have some help


Re: Upgrade problem going from 2.3.3 to 2.5.10


Dhurgan wrote:
Checking the error.log it shows the message...
Upgrade required on users table!, referer:
So apparently some step in the upgrade has required a db schema change.

The message you mention is not a fatal error, it is informational and occurs at signon when it attempts to update the hash of your password. The hash used to store passwords is much more advanced now, so the 'pass' column was expanded to 255 characters. The system will continue to function, but it will not be able to store the new stronger passwords using the new hash. A later upgrade step will fix that.

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Some things to keep in mind:
- old protector hacks to mainfile.php need to be disabled
- disabling modules before starting the upgrade may help

Re: Xoops notification system


Re: oledrion: phpmailer postSend() not returning - stuck in try loop
  • 2019/12/9 18:35

  • Yurdal

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 386

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Really good work, someone has to give this modules a new live, as now most of the modules are not godd or not functioning any more
I'm afraid I cant help with code but if there any need to test environment I can help

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