Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/6 12:39

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

Mage explained to me how fork a github module repository (info from Richard) in my local WAMP serveur.

It works fine with modules,
and now i can work directly with my fork xmnews in the folder "c:\web\www\modules\xmnews" for example.

But now, i want to work on the French traduction (the repository is here : https://github.com/MonXoops/XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR,
but with my GitHub Destop application, i cant clone the repository (/htdocs/.) on a no-empty folder...
So i cant choose the "c:\web\www\ folder".

If you understand my request, could you bring me a solution to my problem.

Re: Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/6 22:35

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

You can't mix different Git repositories like that.

The best way is to keep them all separate, or all together.

Right now you have the modules separate with each having own individual Git repository, so to work with languages on GitHub (e.g. French) , you can do following:

a) fork it to your Github account
b) clone the fork to your local PC and keep it separate from your WampServer
c) copy the French language files to your modules on WampServer (if the modules are NOT included already on GitHub French, then create a folder for them and add the language files there, similar to what Cesagonchu did for the modules in the past, see extGallery)
d) if you make changes to the languages on your WampServer, then copy the files to the "XoopsLanguages French" folder on your local PC, commit them, and then "push them to GitHub.

I hope, it helps....
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/7 1:04

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

humm, lol, no

for modules, it's ok, i used it not just for language, but for all the code,
so i can get my local clone from Git repository modules in c:\web\www\modules

|__ modules
|___module1 (local fork from github)

For this it's ok (code + languages)

but for all the XOOPS Core traduction
our githab package is like that :

| __class/xoopseditor
| |___pm/language/french
| |___profile/language/french
| |___protector/language/french
| |___system

I try to find a solution...

Re: Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/7 1:12

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

you mean that the solution is to modify files in wamp then COPY my modified files in my local repository ?

Humm, so, if i missed a copy, the comit will not be full.
ok i understand this solution, but i dislike the "Copy" methode...

Any other way ?

Re: Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/7 5:34

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

That's why you use something like WinMerge

The other way is to have all your language files in a one single repository, like what we have here: https://github.com/XoopsLanguages/french/tree/master/core

Just fork and clone the whole French language repository, and add a new folder (e.g. 2.5.10-Traduction) under "core, and then copy your files there, commit, and "push".
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Github and language repository

Think about that in the other direction.

You have a your git clone of XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR.
You also have your wamp accessible XoopsCore25.

Make a script (*.bat file) that will copy the htdoc directory from XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR to the htdoc directory in XoopsCore25 (i.e. using robocopy). Add another line in the script to copy the upgrade directory, too. (You want to make sure you don't copy the ".git" folder as that would be bad.)

Now, adjust your workflow to edit your translation in your XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR repository, then run the copy script to test everything in wamp.

If you automate this with a script, and always edit in the XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR repository clone, you always have all the updates that need commited in the right place.

A couple of apologies:

Sorry that the language folders are so awkward to work with. Making the translations much easier to work with and install is a high priority in the next generation XoopsCore.

Also sorry to be vauge about the Windows commands -- last time I rebooted into Windows, I had to wait more that two hours for updates and I don't have that much time right now.

Re: Github and language repository
  • 2020/3/15 2:56

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

geekwright wrote:
Think about that in the other direction.
(...) If you automate this with a script, and always edit in the XOOPS-monxoops-Traduction-FR repository clone, you always have all the updates that need commited in the right place.
Thank you,
not top but it works like that!

A couple of apologies:

Sorry that the language folders are so awkward to work with. Making the translations much easier to work with and install is a high priority in the next generation XoopsCore.
Fine to read this !


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