Re: What's the difficulty level of porting a drupal module to xoops?

I figure I'll weigh in on the issue as well.

The modules and such that I've been writing in XOOPS were in a couple of instances found in the Joomla! and Drupal communities, but I found the features to be lacking enough that I decided to just write my own module. (Which has also served as a neat way to learn how to write modules.)

I agree with Trabis that the work to do an effective port can be just as much or more than writing a new module from the ground up.

In the case of Joomla!, a lot of their newer modules use the MVC object model, and when compared to XOOPS, that's like trying to stuff a square peg in a round hole.

Re: Magazine-X: New premium theme for XOOPS

I don't know if it's so much of a problem. It looks to me like a lot of work went into that theme. If anything, it shows just what kinds of things are possible.

I personally got the most bang for my buck from XOOPSDesign for a 3-month sub. No matter which way you slice it, someone's got to pay their bills somehow.
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Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)

Great job on that list there, Burning!

I'm quite tempted to pillage the logo you made for UHQ-Radio ... that's quite good.
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Re: Xoops VS Joomla

The best choice really depends on what your needs are. It's good to compare available themes, modules, and how you like/dislike administration.

I prefer XOOPS and chose it because of its modularity, which I found to be much easier to manage at the time than Joomla. Granted, that was about 3 years ago. In the meantime, I've been able to develop some module components in XOOPS and much prefer the XOOPS way instead of the 100% object-oriented approach Joomla! takes.

AxelF is correct in that Joomla has a very huge community, and with that, a huge add-on collection. There is a plethora of modules for many purposes under the sun. There's a lot of junk, though.
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Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)

And of that list, especially w/ the older ones, which developers have fallen off the face of the earth since and which modules are incompatible w/ XOOPS 2.3, etc.

Still, it's a heck of a list!
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Explicitly disable debug output for a page.

Just wanted to share a technique I'm using in some module development to disable XOOPS debugging if it has been set in the control panel. This is good when working on thing such as XML outputs and stuff that shouldn't get the debug script in the code:

// Disable all debugging for this file.
$xoopsLogger->activated false;
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Re: Insert HTML within a form.

insertBreak was exactly what I was looking for!

However, I'm going to write down both methods in my notebook on forms. :) Thanks to both of you for your assistance!
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Insert HTML within a form.

I am curious to know if there is a way to insert some HTML between elements when using forms created with the XoopsForm class.

I'm working on a pretty long form, and I would find it useful to be able to insert a horizontal rule and some text describing the section of the form. I could do the form as part of a smarty template, but I'd rather use the class for the time being.

I'm thinking something like:
$html "<hr><p>This is a different part of the form.</p>";
$form->addElement(new XoopsFormHTML($html));

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Re: What Is the Actual Purpose of Xoops

My take is that it can be a portal, or a CMS. It's a foundation, really. Through the use of modules and themes, it's possible to make almost anything.
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Re: Xajax+Xoops Smarty Templates

I ran across this in one of the updated Kaotik tutorials, but I haven't tested it. I believe this can turn off the cache for a given instance:


Now, depending on how many people are using your OnAir block, a short cache may not be all that bad of an idea. I haven't really tested it fully since I'm only setting caching to 0 on admin pages.
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