
Publisher XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2 available
alain01 (2022/8/5 9:10:00)

Publisher xswatch4-enabled V2
alain01 (2021/10/22 19:30:00)

Publisher Tutorial on understanding xSwatch4
alain01 (2021/9/13 20:20:00)

Publisher becomes multilingual
alain01 (2021/9/10 14:00:00)

Publisher Neard and XOOPS tutorial
alain01 (2021/1/28 16:30:00)

Publisher Tutorials on
alain01 (2020/12/6 10:30:00)

Publisher Site created by monxoops: MDTests
alain01 (2020/11/25 14:20:00)

Publisher Site created by monxoops: AGOPC
alain01 (2020/9/23 18:00:00)

Publisher Module xmDoc 1.0 Final Released
alain01 (2020/5/19 9:30:00)

Publisher Module xmContent 1.0 Final Released
alain01 (2020/5/11 16:00:00)

Publisher xSwatch4-enabled Theme
alain01 (2020/5/3 8:10:00)

Publisher Module xmContact 1.0 Final Released
alain01 (2020/4/24 10:10:00)

Publisher xmNews 1.1 released
alain01 (2020/4/18 20:00:00)

Publisher Improved User Experience on the Xmnews module
alain01 (2020/4/4 6:50:00)

Publisher XOOPS API
alain01 (2020/3/12 18:50:00)

Publisher Opening
alain01 (2020/3/1 23:00:00)

Publisher French XOOPS Podcast, a new way for information
alain01 (2014/2/23 10:05:21)

Publisher Tutorial: add a nice frame around your pictures
alain01 (2013/7/9 21:08:41)

Publisher YouTube plugin Installation in the TinyMCE editor
alain01 (2013/5/14 8:16:01)

Publisher Tutorial: New design for block comments, step by step
alain01 (2013/2/19 21:25:06)

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