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How can I change my logo image on each page load?
Please see this News post HERE for some ideas on this.

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 Uploading pictures to xcgallery

how do I upload images to my gallery
is there a manual I can read
Please help


 Why I cannot upload image file to Xcgal 2.0 albums?

I test FTP is ok and config. floder by chmode 777 done. It is no use.
Xoops 2.2, Xcgal 2.0(Big5), Fedora Core 4.


 Re: Why I cannot upload image file to Xcgal 2.0 albums?

I got the same problem. Same thing happens when I try to upload news topic images ("unknown mime type image/jpeg"), but not when I upload pics to the image manager.

Anyone know a solution/reason for this? Any help is greatly appreciated...



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that some images on Firefox doesn't appear just because of the default settings of this browser?

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