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Can you explain why, while surfing on with Firefox, I can't view some images that can be viewed with other internet browsers?
You just must change the default settings of Firefox. Get in the Firefox menu -> preferences -> web features and uncheck the option "for the originating web site only".

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I've noticed a problem not with your site, but with mine. I can view it perfectly with Firefox, but has quite a problem with IE. Images don't show up right, page takes FOREVER to load. My site is an XOOPS site just starting. Any suggestions?


 Re: Opposite

I had the same problem with IE. You need to ask you host to create a php.ini file which increases compression/speed (or something like that), anyway just tell them it's slow and you want it to load faster, mention php.ini and they should know what you mean.


 well...not exactly.

For firefox, its precisely Tools->Options
Click on Web Featurs, uncheck from originating site only under "load Images"

However, this does not address the problem this question is talking about, this only helps linked images hosted on other sites (in your news etc). The problem you will find in Firefox is a netscape code compatibility problem. This is why firefox is NOT an optimal browser to test your XOOPS site in, or develop for, because its code is NOT up to current standards. Firefox has issues loading cell bg code, so in your XOOPS theme when you have your block header and footer cells filled with a graphic using a bg variable instead of an img src tag in the block html, you will not see them load in firefox. to get around this, have a table in your theme block html files that have the block header/footer/content background coded in as img tags.


 Re: Opposite

I am having this problum also. it seems to load and run perfectly fine in firefox, but as others have stated, imeges, or what I assume to be imeges, do nod load or show corectly. I wonder if it is a theme issue, or something else. when I installed the newest version of Xoops, I had the same problum of graphics NOT showing up at all, luckly the NEXT button and Back button did. currently on the site, I have little RED [X]'s where any graphics or icons would be/ are ussing firefox. this is a big problum at the momment, any of you guru's have a magic solution to this>



In case you guys aren't with it, IE is a product of Microsoft's pure definace and lack of complience to web standards, it doesn't display almost any webpage properly. It's really no surprise that IE won't show your sites properly. You all best stick to Firefox or another browser.


 Re: IE

LOL #OOPS# there is always that person that is anti microsoft because many people have an underline issue with rich people and that leaves the riches person in the world as a huge target for hatered shared with incorrect information.

Now....97% of internet users use IE. I own 37 websites and all of their stats show 97%-98% of visitors are IE users. So for one to choose to make their site look good in Firefox (a 2% share in the internet browser market)over making it look good in IE is a huge mistake, no matter what the root of hate stems from with microsoft.

Everyone should have IE installed on their computer, if not for just making sure that your site functions properly in IE so that you can see what your site will look like to 97% of internet surfers. Really with 97% of internet users surfing with IE this would assume that microsoft actually makes the web standards, unless of course anyone knows of another internet browser king who wrote the book on web standards.

Point being if your site does not look right in IE then you are losing a lot of would be visitors. Regardless of your preference in browsers you would be smart to make sure your site looks good in IE.

BTW I am a web designer and I use IE, Netscape and Firefox to check all my site developments to make sure they work in all browsers. Netscape has a color issue at times but not anything that ruins the site look. It is not the browser, it is the users lack of knowledge as to how they should set their browser to read the internet. Visit your browsers homepage and do some research and educate yourself on the best settings for your system.


 Firefox reloading content changes

I have a similar problem with Firefox on XOOPS 2.2.3aFinal. When I make changes to html files, then save them to my server (running locally), Firefox will not recognize the change on a browser reload. However, if I copy/paste the exact url into IE, the changes are recognized.

any ideas?


 Re: Firefox reloading content changes

Update your System Module after changes .. if that does'nt work .. empty your browsers cache.


 Re: Firefox reloading content changes

I really have no probs with Firefox. The problem isnt with Microsoft's defiance to W3 standards, but they tend to add features into IE that arent part of the standards, which in turn usually ends up effecting something.

BTW, Im not trying to sound like an anti-Microsoft / corporation/person with lots of money, but they could atleast follow the standard set by W3 istead of trying to act above them because they are Microsoft.



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