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What is the difference between View Account and Edit Account?
As you can see on the image below, the User Menu of this site displays 2 items regarding your account: View Account and Edit Account. menu User Menu : View And Edit Account Basically, if you click on View Account you will be able to see the informations of your account, as you would see them for another user if you clicked on their name. However, since it is your account, you can edit it. You will see at the top of your informations, 4 buttons : buttons User Menu : View Account - If you hit the Edit Profile button, you will be able to edit the informations of your profile. - The Avatar button will allow you to change your avatar, which is the picture that represents you on this site. - The Inbox button will take you to you Inbox, which is the place where you receive your Private Messages. - The Logout button will log you out of this site. Those options were given to you by clicking on the View Account of the User Menu. If you click on Edit Account of that same menu, you will be taken to the page where you can edit the informations of your profile.

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