
XOOPS 2.5.9 Beta3 Available

geekwright  15-Apr-2017 11:00 5365 Reads   4 Comment(s) 
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the Beta 3 release of XOOPS 2.5.9. This version includes fixes and enhancements, security updates, and PHP 7.1 compatibility.

See the change log for more details.

Remember, this is a beta release for testing only. Please don't use it in production.

Please download from the current master on GitHub!

That way, any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing. Even better, we won't all keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.

You can download the current master here:

Please report your findings, good and bad -- it will help a lot!

Thank you!
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 XOOPS 2.5.9 Beta3 Available

Wonderful! I'm not at home for the moment but I will test and I hope the xoopsers will do it too! ;-) Thank you for all the development work and for the participation of many people who have and will improve Xoops!


 XOOPS 2.5.9 Beta3 Available

This is great news!! Thank you. we will use xoops 2.5.9 on the german community for the upcomming xoops upgrade



Intresting improvements! Do you need some help?


 Re: Wow!


Intresting improvements! Do you need some help?


Fork it from GitHub, test it, report bugs, and provide bug fixes...



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