user guide:
1 check the files xoops_version.php under /Frameworks/ and subfolder to make sure it is newer than your current ones
2 (check your XOOPS version, if you are using XOOPS 2.2*, REMOVE /Frameworks/xoops22/) -- deprecated, just leave as it is
3 upload /Frameworks/ to your XOOPS root path:
4 configure preferences where applicable
4.1 ./fpdf/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php, you could check schinese.php as example, or inline comments in english.php
4.2 ./textsanitizer/config.php: check inline comments
4.3 ./transfer/:
4.3.1 ./transfer/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php
4.3.2 ./transfer/modules/: for developers only, add transfer handler for your module, or store the file as: XOOPS/modules/mymodule/include/plugin.transfer.php
4.3.3 ./transfer/plugin/: add items available for the transfer
4.3.4 ./transfer/plugin/myplugin/config: configurations for a plugin
4.3.5 ./transfer/plugin/myplugin/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php
4.3.6 ./transfer/bar.transfer.php: set "$limit" for number of plugins that will be displayed on a front page;
4.4 ./xoops22/language/: make your local langauge files based on /english/
5 check file names: for filename case sensitive system, make sure you have the file names literally correct, i.e., "Frameworks" is not identical to "frameworks"