
Some XOOPS Documentation Available

carnuke  31-Jul-2005 10:32 8677 Reads   6 Comment(s) 
Pleae visit HouseofStrauss Tutorials for available downloads of these files.

Xoops Anatomy Of A Default Theme
This document presented in MS word format, expalins the structure and content of the xoops basic theme files.

Find out the requirements and guidelines for building your own xoops theme, using smarty, block positioning and essential code structure.


Xoops Beginners Tutorials pack is the complete pack of the following tutorials.

1- Blocks Basic.
A very simple explanation of how to Make a block visible and position it on your webpage.

2- Blocks Advanced.
Describes more comprehensive settings available through the Blocks Administration 'Edit' link.

3- Blocks Lost
Sometimes a block can get lost, if you deny it permission for all groups, this is how to find it.

4- Groups Permissions.
Shows you how to set permissions for groups to see a module and its blocks.

5- First website content
Demonstrates some basic admin. procedures such as simple configurations. Goes on to guide you through making your first custom block with some simple formatting. Also how to set its position and permission for anonymous as well as registered users.

These files can be downloaded separately in this section. All files are flash presentations, which are idea for the beginner.
Xoops Beginners Tutorials (full pack)


Xoops Beginners Tutorials Blocks Advanced.
Describes more comprehensive settings available through the Blocks Administration 'Edit' link.

Download is in flash tutorial


Xoops Beginners tutorials Blocks Basic.
A very simple explanation of how to Make a block visible and position it on your webpage.

Flash tutorial


Xoops Beginners Tutorials Blocks Lost
Sometimes a block can get lost, if you deny it permission for all groups, this is how to find it.

Download is in Flash tutorial format


Xoops Beginners Tutorials First website content
Demonstrates some basic admin. procedures such as simple configurations. Goes on to guide you through making your first custom block with some simple formatting. Also how to set its position and permission for anonymous as well as registered users.

Download (5.1mb zip) Flash tutorial


Xoops Installation Guide
Xoops Installation Guide up to version 2.0.13.

This is the essential installation guide that comes packed with all xoops full downloads. Read it here to familiarise yourself first of the procedure and server requirements.


Xoops Module Structure (advanced)
Xoops Module Structure and functions are discussed and explained with the purpose of helping developers and programmers to build their own xoops modules.

An informative and helpful primer for xoops users.


Xoops Operations Guide
The Xoops Operations Guide is a lengthy and comprehensive document covering the crucial requirements for the Xoops adminstration section. All aspects of the admin. section are covered and details how to make settings, add content and manage the site functions.

Essential reading foe beginners.

This file is in MS word format and comes zipped.


Xoops Visual introduction guide
A visual Introduction to Xoops is an informative pictorial tour of the Xoops CMS. This is an ideal first introduction to this popular web authoring management system.

This download is zipped, but unpacks to CHM format only. CHM is an .exe file and popular among many windows help file applications. (zip 2.6mb)


Pleae visit HouseofStrauss Tutorials for available downloads of these files.
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