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Jquery Tutorial: Binding to future events

kaotik  01-Apr-2010 13:30 11649 Reads   10 Comment(s) 
Starting simple.
Download my tutorial module ( and install it.

Now go to the main page and click on tutorial.
You will now see the words: "Click Here". When you do an alert window pops up with "Hello world". This is very simple jquery code that I've explained in previous tutorials.

Now let's bring some ajax into this.
In the tutorial folder create a file called process.php and place this inside the file: "This was passed using ajax."
Now go to tutorial/templates/tut_main.html and replace all code with this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">script>

script type="text/javascript">
'#clickme').click(function() {
div id="clickme">
a href="#">Click herea>
br /><br />
div id="ajxDiv" class="item">

Now test it. As you can see it's a simple ajax call.
Caution: For ajax to work properly, turn off xoops debug or set it to a popup window.

Passing smarty templates
Let's take this a step further and instead of passing some text through ajax, let's pass a smarty template.

Open process.php and replace everthing with this:

//Check to see if $xoopsTpl has been created. If not start a new instance.
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH '/class/template.php';
if (!isset(
$xoopsTpl)) {
$xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();

//Get the template from database and assign it to a variable.
$tst $xoopsTpl->fetch('db:list.html');

//echo variable. This will be used in ajax call.
echo $tst

Open file tutorial/templates/list.html and replace everything with this:
<ul id="myList">
li><a href="#">list 1a>li>
li><a href="#">list 2a>li>
li><a href="#">list 3a>li>

Test the module. You now have a smarty template being passed through a ajax call.

Binding to ajax template
Now let's try binding a click function to the loaded template.
Open tutorial/templates/tut_main.html and replace all code with this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">script>

script type="text/javascript">
'#clickme').click(function() {
'#myList').click(function() {
alert("hello world");
div id="clickme">
a href="#">Click herea>
br /><br />
div id="ajxDiv" class="item">

The intended result is that, when you click on an item of the list, an alert window should pop up.... Try it.
Nothing happens.

The reason for this is that the DOM has already been assembled and all javascript executed. Using ajax, you are passing html after everything has been assembled. In practical terms this means you can't bind to future events (such as links in a template) using the normal methods.
Thankfully the people over at jquery are highly resourceful and have provided a method to deal with this.

Open file tutorial/templates/tut_main.html and replace all code with this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">script>

script type="text/javascript">
'#clickme').click(function() {
'#myList').live('click', function() {
alert("hello world");
div id="clickme">
a href="#">Click herea>
br /><br />
div id="ajxDiv" class="item">

Now try running the module. It works! Isn't jquery grand!

I am now using .live with an event handler attached (click).
live() is very flexible and gives you the freedom to attach javascript alongside ajax calls.

Let me know if this was helpful.
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