XOOPS Documentation site opens!

rowdie  21-May-2006 18:45 7630 Reads   26 Comment(s) 
The XOOPS Docs site was designed to be accessable and usable for the entire international XOOPS community. It is available in a number of languages (more to be added) and there is a workspace and discussion forum for every language. This is just a start, it's an ongoing process and needs the input of the community to say what needs to be changed and how to improve the system.

So please join in, collaborate to improve the XOOPS documentation and the XOOPS Documentation site itself to make it a tool we can all use.

See you at the XOOPS Docs site!

Some useful direct links:
*XOOPS Documentation Site
*More info about the site
*Released documents
*Documents in progress
*Module Registry
*Translation Registry

Anticipating the question: "Why not http://docs.xoops.org"?
Answer: In the future the site will move to that location, but due to a number of reasons, mainly technical, it can't at the moment.
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