Dutch XOOPS Support site has moved and changed address

Herko  07-May-2006 15:06 6201 Reads   4 Comment(s) 
The site move is a direct result of Jan304's transfer of management of the site to Herko. Jan304 is a full time student and simply doesn't have the time to manage NLXS anymore. He will remain active on the site however. Herko has a lot of experience with XOOPS and community management, and likes the new challenges this brings.

The goal is to make NLXS the hangout for all DUcth speaking XOOPSers out there, to create a fun community where they can collaborate and aspire to make XOOPS the most popular CMS in the Dutch speaking world.

The move and URL change is just the first of a series of changes. All changes are discussed on the public forums, and all Dutch speaking and those that live in the area are free to join in!

Voor alle Nederlandstalige XOOPSers: kom naar http://www.xoops.nl en doe mee!
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