FEATURES:- Fixed Width Template (783px)
- 2 or 3 column layout.
- Top Header will remain same throughout website whether you use 2 or 3 column layout.
- Search and Login : This two core block is hacked directly into theme. So this two is always visible/fixed at top.
- CSS and XHTML 1.0 validated. Flash is bit tricky here only to get it validated from W3C and supports IE, Netscape, FireFox.
- FLA File with preloader script included in /modify folder for adding your own Flash Header.
THEME INSTALLATION:- Unzip your downloaded theme. Upload it to the directory: root/themes/
- Go to your admin/system admin/preferences, click 'general settings'.
- Here you can set the setting of your:(8th row) Default theme to "your theme of choice".
- Modify .FLA file from /modify folder.
SUPPORT:- Before asking question, visit
https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/category.php?categoryid=17- For Flash Validation you may require help of
http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay/PREVIEW:Check out ColorXoops website at
http://www.anblik.com/demo/xoops/ DOWNLOAD:Download your copy from
http://www.anblik.com/demo/xoops/modules/mydownloads/DESIGNER:Rajib, Shivaji
Your suggestions on how to make it better are appreciated.
Anblik Web Design Company