Meet the XOOPSers Live in Brussels!

Herko  07-Jan-2005 06:40 2710 Reads   21 Comment(s) 
We have booked a nice room at FOSDEM's neighbors, the VUB (which confusingly translates to the Free University of Brussels, but is a wholly separate educational institute to the ULB -where FOSDEM will be held- which also translates to Free University of Brussels, one in Dutch (VUB), the other in French (ULB)). We have room for about 70 people, so that should not be a problem.

Here's the deal. We have arranged the room, and will make a programme for the day. The meetup itself is free, of course. GoogleAds paid for the room . We're trying to add coffee/tea to that service as well, but since it's a Saturday and on a University, I'm not sure if that's an option. Lunch, dinner and evening (yes, we'll have a social programme as well) are for your own expenses. We'll try and arrange things, but it depends on the size of the group where we are going.

The XOOPS Meetup is only a few blocks away from the FOSDEM venue at the ULB. FOSDEM will take 2 full days, ours will have only one. Depending on the FOSDEM schedule (which I can't access on their site), I suggest we start 30 minutes after the keynotes there have ended. We'll have untill 17:30, after that we have to scoot. Then I suggest we hit the town and find a decent place to eat, and after that hit the bars

At the meetup itself there's room for presentations and discussions. I suggest the COre Team makes a presentation of XOOPS 2.1, roadmaps, etc. etc. etc. (And yes, we'll report everything here on XOOPS.org for everyone who misses it!). SInce the French communities are also coming, I would like to have a presentation from them as well. Any other presentations are welcome, of course, drop me a note!

And there's room for discussion of course!

So, I need to know 2 things:
1. Are you coming!?
2. Ideas/offers for presentations and contributions.

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