Have you used Xoops FAQ? 17 % (18) If yes above, was it useful? 9 % (10) Is it easy to use? 9 % (10) Are there enough categories? 6 % (7) Do you want more advanced Q&As? 12 % (13) Do you want more basic Q&As? 8 % (9) Is the Q&A level a good mix already? 3 % (4) Can we improve the Xoops FAQ? 14 % (15) It has helped me understand Xoops 10 % (11) Do you prefer the forums? 5 % (6)
So, the important numbers here say
On the minus side --
'we want more advanced Q&As' and 'we should improve Xoops FAQ. And there are 'not enough categories' and ' there's a poor mix of Q&As'
On the plus side -- It was useful, easy to use and it helped me.
Overall though, we could do better.
Is that what you think ???
1- We need more VOTES . 18 votes out of 24,000 members isn't that much !! If there's one thing I've learned about the xoops community it's that your a smart and opinionated group of people, so click this link VOTE! and VOTE!
XOOPS FAQ IS YOUR RESOURCE --- make it what you want it to be ... but tell us, so we can do it. Better still, go there and do it yourself... post answers, submit your own FAQs, ask questions. We're listeneing ...