1. classifieds_money
Your currency symbol - Default is $
2. classifieds_limit_ads
Limit the number of listings a user can have. - Default is
3. classifieds_num_ads
Number of listings a regular user can have. - Default is
4. classifieds_p_num_ads
Number of listings a premium user can have. - Default is
5. classifieds_perpage
Listings per page - Default is 10
6. classifieds_newad
Show new Listings on the Front Page of Module - Default is Yes
7. classifieds_new_count
Number of new Listings on the Front Page of Module - Default is 10
8. classifieds_count_day
Listings marked new for how many days - Default is 3
9. classifieds_howlong
Listing Duration in days - Default is 14
Premium Users can change this
10. classifieds_sold_days
Listing Duration after being marked sold in days - Default is 3
11. classifieds_not_premium
Maximum number of pictures for a non premium user - Default is 1
12. classifieds_nb_pict
Maximum number of pictures for a premium user - Default is 12
13. classifieds_path_upload
The directory where the photos will be uploaded to - Default is
14. classifieds_link_upload
The URL where the photos will are stored - Default is
15. classifieds_thumb_width
The maximum width of the thumbnail - Default is 125
16. classifieds_thumb_height
The maximum height of the thumbnail - Default is 175
17. classifieds_sized_width
The maximum width of the resized picture - Default is 650
18. classifieds_sized_height
The maximum height of the resized picture - Default is 450
19. classifieds_max_origwide
The maximum width of the original picture - Default is 2048
20. classifieds_max_orighigh
The maximum height of the original picture - Default is 1600
21. classifieds_maxfilesize
This the maximum size of your picture, in bytes. - Default is 512000
22. classifieds_souscat
Display subcategories on the Front Page of Module - Default is Yes
23. classifieds_nbsouscat
Number of subcategories to show if you selected 'yes' to 'Display subcategories'- Default is 4
24. classifieds_csortorder
The order that the categories will be sorted. - Default is alpabetical
25. classifieds_lsort_order
The order that the listings will be sorted. - Default is date
26. classifieds_diff_name
Will allow users to use a different name when submiting a listing - Default is No
27. classifieds_diff_email
Will allow users to use a different e-mail when submiting a listing - Default is No
28. classifieds_rate_user
Will allow users to rate the user selling the item - Default is No
29. classifieds_rate_item
Will allow users to rate the item being sold - Default is No
30. classifieds_show_state
Some users want to display the State - Default is
31. classifieds_use_country
Some users want to display the Country - Default is No
32. classifieds_form_options
You can choose which editor your users can use. - Default is dhtmltextarea
33. classifieds_colorbox
Use colorbox effects with pictures. - Default is Yes
34. classifieds_zoom
Use bezoom for magnification effects with pictures. - Default is Yes
35. classifieds_almost
When to send notice that the ad is about to expire. in days - Default is 3
36. classifieds_main_cat
Allow listings to be added to main categories. - Default is Yes
37. classifieds_cat_desc
Use category descriptions. - Default is Yes
38. classifieds_use_captcha
Use Captcha. - Default is currently No, I found it was not working correctly, so I disabled it till a future release.
39. classifieds_use_code
Use extra code between listings. Ex. google code, banners - Default is
40. classifieds_use_banner
Use Xoops banners between listings if Use code set to Yes - Default is
41. classifieds_index_code
The Code to use between listings if Use Code is set to Yes, and Use Banner is set to No
42. classifieds_code_place
Where to place the extra code, Ex. after the 5th listing. - Default is
43. classifieds_offer_search
Show the search box on front page. - Default is Yes
44. classifieds_countries
Use in more than one Country - Default is No
45. classifieds_notify_mod
Send e-mail to admin if any listing is modified. - Default is Yes