The ideas so far are to hold the European XOOPS Conference on May 3, on the day of the PHP Conference's Power Workshops. It's a monday, for those who are interested.
We're thinking about making it a full day event, with an educational, functional and productive part, and a social evening part.
Proposed schedule:
10:00 - 12:00 Presentations (Core Team, case study, local support group)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 17:00 Workshops (Introduction into XOOPS, development, theme design, documentation, case studies, modules, etc.)
18:30 - ??:?? Group dinner and party
This is the wish list, of course. To make this work, we need your help!
We are looking for:
- Ideas for workshops (willing to give them!)
- Sponsors for the location, lunch, equipment, and maybe also dinner and party
- organisational skills
- Anything that can help us!
So, if you're interested in making this first European XOOPS Conference reality, drop me a line on or a comment on this post, and we'll get to work!