christian 04-Oct-2007 19:449277 Reads 29 Comment(s)
Here is the module's changelog
In article.php and when you was using a site with multilingual, there was a problem with the previous and next titles
It was possible to see the form used to post a comment even when anonymous users had not the right
Bug correction in the file /xoops/modules/news/include/ (thank you colossus)
A modification in /xoops/modules/news/templates/news_item.html (thank you colossus)
Added a new language define in main.php => _NW_NOTYETSTORY (thank you karim)
The library used to generate PDFs was changed. It supports UTF8 and local pictures (pictures must not be GIF and must not be interlaced (it's running with PNG and JPEG)) The html entities, usually visible in PDFs should not cause any more problems (except in the PDF's title)
************************************************************************** ** This version of the News module is the last which will run with Php4 ** **************************************************************************