1 Installation
1) Remove ROOT/class/xoopseditor/FCKeditor from xoopseditor 1.10;
2) Upload the package to ROOT/class/xoopseditor/, the correct structure: ROOT/class/xoopseditor/FCKeditor/formfckeditor.php;
3) Clean up ROOT/cache
2 What's new
1) Update FCKeditor to 2.4.3, check _whatsnew.html for details
2) Customable filename: filename pattern can be set in config.php to use date(YmdHis) and/or uid and/or UNIX timestamp
3) Customable subfolder: files can be stored to subfolders per month or per year, set in config.php
4) Customable toolbarset, set in FCKeditor/fckconfig-xoops.js