
ezLink2Us 1.2

JMorris  02-Dec-2006 12:47 6688 Reads   7 Comment(s) 
1. Install the module like any other XOOPS module
2. Set the appropriate group permissions for the module
3. Overwrite banner.jpg, half-banner.jpg, button.jpg, and mini-button.jpg with your own images.
4. Add the contents of add-to-theme-style.css to your theme's style.css file and customize to suite.

1. Change the folder name from link_to_us to link-to-us
2. Update all references to the directory link_to_us to point to link-to-us inside xoops_version.php and templates/link_to_us_index.html
3. Upload and overwrite the original module (DON'T OVERWRITE YOUR IMAGES!)
4. Update the module in XOOPS Module Admin

banner.jpg is 468w x 60h
half-banner.jpg is 234w x 60h
button.jpg is 88w x 31h
mini-button.jpg is 88w x 15h

If you wish to change the image type or size for your links page, simply open this module's template in the integrated XOOPS Templates Admin and edit to suite. (You should always clone your default template set and make your changes to the cloned templates.)

The SMARTY variables used for this module are:

These variables allow this module to adapt to changes you make to your site's preferences. To change the output of these variables, go into System Admin => Site Preferences => General Settings and change "Site name" and "Slogan for your site". You can change the description of your Full Text Link by changing the value of System Admin => Site Preferences => Meta Tags and Footer => Meta Description.

Version 1.2
Changed folder name from link-to-us to link_to_us for better SEO
Added XOOPS integrated Templates support
Removed hard-coded PHP variables from index.php in favor of SMARTY variables in link_to_us_index.html template
Changed the button demensions to the standard value of 88x31
Cleaned up the XHTML source for better W3C compliance
Moved the CSS for the code display to be added to theme for greater flexibility
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