XOOPS Core Team Update

Herko  12-Oct-2003 11:06 4060 Reads   1 comment 
Ackbarr is working on making the user profile (partly) dynamic, so admins will have the ability to add and edit fields in the user profile pages. This feature will also make it possible for modules to display user specific moudle information on the profile page.

Ackbarr's employer, EPC Online, has very graciously granted us the use of a dedicated server, to host the xoops.org domain. We're in the process of setting up the new websites, at first the main website, the modules and the themes sites as well. More subsites will most likely follow. These websites will form the XOOPS Network, and share information accross the sites. For example, registering on one website, will make you a member of all three. This includes already registered users, of course. Catzwolf is working overtime (honest) to get the WF-module family ready for use on those websites. Those versions will also be released to the general public, of course.

When XOOPS 2.0.5 is released, we'll organise a discussion on our forum about the roadmap for XOOPS 2.1. So start thinking about what you'd like to see in the new version, and what you can do to help realise that wishlist It will be a moderated discussion, but we'll post more information about that as soon as we start.

There are 8 Teams now. If you feel you can contribute to XOOPS is any way, please contact the appropriate Team Leader with your ideas and suggestions. We're here to organise the work, we need you all to make XOOPS work!

This is just a fragment of what is being planned and discussed in the Core Team. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!

The XOOPS Core Team
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