Goal of this POCThe goal of this POC is to test our tool to verify if it is usable and to determine who is best suited to use it. In particular we needed to identify what skills a user of this tool needs. Once this is discovered we can propose enhancements if needed.
What have been made during that POCFormulaire module, from Philou, has been selected as POC module.
We have checked this module with our QA tool
Conclusion- Mysql debug test has been added
- D11 test has been deleted (duplicate test)
- For Sql Queries and html standards we definitely need some standards
- Security is fairly a section that need some skills to be fulfilled
- S4, Proper use of Xoops::textsanitizer for text I/O processing, is one of hardest test to make, because QA tester needs good skills and to be able to scroll through code easily. It deals with core documentation as well. If dev uses always core classes, it minimises risks.
- S8, Ticket/token system, is one part that is rarely in use. We will check with core dev and other experimented devs what we should do on this part, and what we could recommand.
- 4 Enhancements have been proposed to author of this module, 5 bugs have been reported.
==> This tool has been made for developers. We will decide soon collectively if these certifications have to be made by QA testers. IMHO, the more devs will use it naturally, the more our action will be a success.
==> moreover, I think QA tests should be made on "must-have" modules (first/only?), and be repeated a few months after their release, so that we are able to test them intensively. That would be best way of testing
===> Finally, mandatory items should be revised/improved as well. We will look for a dedicated module that will suit your needs much better than Excel (seems GIJOE has some ideas on that point)
A report has been sent to author of this usefull (and very well documented) module. It will be published publicly within few days (after a new release of this module)
Thanks for your feedback and your proposals for enhancements.
Waiting for your inputs (especially from mod devs and core devs).
marco, for QA team
nb : many thanks to hervet for his usefull comments and help during that process