
Language Tool 0.07 released

kiang  05-Jan-2006 07:38 8844 Reads   18 Comment(s) 

1. Translate your XOOPS or modules in it on-line.
2. Translate both language(.php) and template(.tpl or .* besides the extensions mentioned in 4.) file in the module.
3. Jump between step1~3, it means that you don't have to choose module or language you want to work with that many times like previous version.
4. Skip some extensions which don't need be translated:
=> (gif)|(jpg)|(jpeg)|(png)|(htaccess)|(html)|(htm)
5. Put the translated file in the right place, if you give enough permissions to web server. (For most users in M$ Windows server enviornment, you don't have to change anything about this. :) )
6. It's a loose module, so seems nothing to change to work with XOOPS 2.0.x or 2.2.x or XOOPSCUBE. ^^||
7. Keep the lines it couldn't process as the source language file.


(1) For the user who want to translate XOOPS without any existing language files:

1. Open the file 'xoops_path/language/english/global.php'
2. Search and modify the value of the key '_CHARSET' and '_LANGCODE'
3. Add the profiles for your language in admin area of this tool
4. Start to do your best :)

(2) How to use it

1. Download, extract and setup this module like other standard module
2. Add your language profile through admin area of this module if it's not in database.
3. Go to the index page of this module and choose the module you want to translate.
4. Choose the source language (maybe English) and the target language.
5. Choose a file you want to translate.
6. Start translattion.
7. Finish the translation of one file and click the 'File' link to choose another file you want to translate.
8. Click the 'Module' link to choose another module.
9. Click the 'Language' link to choose another language.
10. Share your results with us. :)


Nothing to do if I get no time as the past several months. ^^||

It's not that perfect without your help. Welcome to download and talk about this module in the project page:
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