1 fully takes adavantage of plugin features from WordPress and hack is made on a minmum level, with only ten files changed. Allows compatibility of new version for XOOPS and/or WordPress
2 Two styles of interface available for users, selectable on-fly -- XOOPS style and WordPress style. WP style makes XPress like a stand alone WP.
3 Encoding charset is selectable on INSTALL, XOOPS _CHARSET or WordPress original blog charset.
4 WordPress existing plugins still work, more customized plugins XPress are becoming available
1 You could upgrade your WP (Xoops Based or Stand alone) by updating wordpress module
2 The package is fully XOOPS 2.2 compatible. It could work with XOOPS 2.0* but need a minor change. (Sorry not make it directly compatible with Xoops 2.0*, for the purposes of promoting Xoops 2.2)
nobunobu, for his WordPress Me from which I have learnt and utilized a lot
Xoops China community, for assistance and test